words of wisdom
If you are called to do so ,Give .
Not to be praised by the masses , but because this is what you are called to do.
Cast not your Pearls to Swine . And do not waste your time,money, and goodness on those who have ill-intent . For if you give to those who do not offer good to others you are not being a good steward of what has been given to you.
I am asking you to do better with the life that the most high God has given to you
Look after your communities and give to those in need
Look after the elderly and offer your self to the hungry and those in need
With the price of food these days it's becoming increasingly difficult to be able to feed yourself and your family. If you have extra money please look out for others that are in need ,even if they don't ask for help (because often they don't know how to ask or feel ashamed that you know they are struggling to make ends meet - offer what you can without announcing it or at least do not use the help you offer to others as a chance to gain clout - as this is not charity but rather it's an abuse of the true abilities that you have been given from God ) If He has given you more than you need , do not give it to anyone and then uses it as a chance to exploit those who you gave it to , so that you will be seen as worthy of praise because true worthiness can only be measured by God and not by man .
look around your community and take note of what's needed ,if you see someone that is lacking , try and give to them without the need to publicize their lack so that you can feel a better sense of your self , for that is not a true heart or true intention
There are so many greedy envious people in the world who think only to steal from others ,they will even take money out of the hands of those who it was meant to go to , and they turn their back on you as if you had done to them what they in fact had done to you , turn away from those people.
I now remove or block out all of those who only seem to prey on others verses praying for others .
It is my duty to be a better steward of my time , my energy and my finances , never again trying to do good by those who then took that good and tried to cause me harm or slandered my name
We are all given the same 24 hours in a day - what you spend your time on will affect how God places you in His own heart and His heart is the only one that's worth impressing .
To whom much is given ,much is also required
Be a better steward of the 24 hours that you are blessed with ,as there is someone some where who wishes that they had the 24 hours that you still have .
Be blessed so you can also bless others
The more you give ,the more you get , the more you ,Have to give .
Have a great day
note : There is a good movie for you and your family to watch -it's called -"saint - Vincent " ?I think ? It's a great example of compassion for others and always brings tears to eyes when ever I watch it - Great Movie to watch and share ,teaches compassion and just how much of an impact we make on the lives of others
IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO REMEMBER TO CALL OUT TO THE MOST HIGH GOD - ( In fact He's waiting for you to call out and ask for guidance and ...