Yes their are in fact those who are just that ,they suck the good energy out of what for most people like me are unsuspecting people who are just minding their own business, remaining in a positive ,loving compassionate,fun energy . Knowing that you are doing good by others and that what you give to the universe is what you get back .
However their are actually those who as I am coming to realize who actually seem to hate,resent ,or single out those who Illuminate the light or as I refer to it as ,those who may at least at first glance might be doing better than those who are just waiting to blow out the candle on someone else's cake first before they can ever get a chance to make a wish as they blow out your own darn candle . These are what are called energy thieves ,energy Vampire's ,Joy stealers ,or I guess bitter Betties ,a person who can never have a positive outlook about what someone else has been doing or what someone else has been blessed with , because they are lacking a compassion default button on their brains keyboard . So they are attracted to like (was going to say "minded" but we'll it sure doesn't feel like their minds are quite able to even discern properly ?) well they look for other bitter minded somewhat backstabbing ,as they also tend to be the first friend to show up with negative personal non-public accounts of just how bad "so and so " is doing ,and the other bitter's laugh and I guess feel a better sense of their own lives ? I don't know because damn ,I have really tried to for most of my life to avoid this type of communication or friend /friend group ,feeling like it just wasn't worth my time to be just wasting the prescious time that we are all given ,to just replay a scene from somebody else's movie . After all ,in most cases the star of the movie didn't even consent to sharing such a personal non-public clip of their life with the now TMZ - style Communicating- Troll ,who we shall refer to as Betty last name Bitter .
And even though I am trying to add a bit of humor hear ,today ,it's really not a laughing matter at all in fact if we as Women do not get our own selves together and work on "what you can control " rather than "working on negatively controlling the life/lives of someone other than yourself " ,you will find your self feeling like one feels as they sadly watch the last bus/train/plane leave the Island or town or city just before the fated Tsunami which wipes everyone out . Because as you see , having this mindset of always focusing on what someone else is or isn't doing right will have you so preoccupied with something that you can not control ,instead of focusing on something that you can control ,which is yourself and because you wasted all that good time that you took for granted on something that right now being that your entire life is about to come to an end and only now do you even realize that you have been chasing your own tail when all you had to do was calmly sit down and that tail which looked like it was after you was really only you looking at things from a mindset of feeling jealous or upset for something that was not given to you or that you had not earned but someone else has and instead of all of the time and energy it took to keep you stuck their ,you could have just agreed ed with yourself to NOT even entertain that mindset any more ,and Everytime it would knock you would refuse to open the door and finally it would know that it wasn't welcome and would eventually have to go elsewhere to be accepted by someone else who had not been awakened at the level that you now have graduated to ! Congratulations you know how the key to running in your own lane , being your own boss , going left when everyone else goes right and finally finding your path towards the light ,which I have heard leads to much happiness and prosperity . It's never too late to dump the old way of thinking and take on a new way that is liberating as well as one that you ,yourself control .