Organized gang stalking -By a bunch of Bullies who felt that they could come and abuse me , use me , exploit me, use me for their own entertainment , tell lies about me ,saying things that they knew were lies yet they said them anyway . Denying the fact that all of these unwarranted attacks were in fact due to the fact that they were trying to kill me so that they could live my destiny and steal my work as if it was their work . These ruthless demonic idiot's who were sex-demons and were obsessed with sexually harassing , sexually exploiting me and exploiting my privacy as well as my dignity as a Devine feminine. while completely disrespecting me in every way possible , attacking all of my civil rights and my right to be left alone so I could heal - doing spells non-stop to try and cause my death (over 100+ failed attempts) selling me to a research team as if I were some type of product or commodity . Treating me as if they were held in a higher level of respect than I am . Using me as if I were their slave - refusing to cease all of this abusive misconduct and thinking that they could just post up over my bedroom and do their witchcraft , while lying to others claiming that I had done it to them - They have called and made numerous false claims to agencies and corporations in an attempt to try and get me arrested for things that I was NOT even doing - racially profiling me while I was in my own apartment and stalking me non-stop including while I bathed and used the toilet- this duo went to a Dr. appt and used my ID pretending to be me and placing their own sexually transmitted illness in my file as if I was the one who had it , when in fact I did not and still do not have any illness - They have opened bank accounts and forged my signature - opened my mail and bribed others to assist them with blocking my access to information pertaining to a court case in which they were committing fraud and acquiring funds , a home , an automobile , safe deposit box jewelry, land , etc that was actually meant to go to me while they lied and claimed that I was not competent enough and that I could not manage my own affairs , yet I am the one who they have been stealing work from for over 2-3 years and they have been making a profit off of me as if I were their own personal slave . They have also attempted to shame me online while sexually exploiting me and then had the nerve to talk shit about me online claiming that I was doing to them what they knew they were actually doing to me - I have suffered mental anguish as well as physical damages and losses so enormous that the courts will have to hear all of the complaints in there complete nature of events in order for all of the multitude of intentional malicious acts can be quantified and assessed properly because they were all done with extreme Malice and willful intent to cause me harm , shame embarrassment, losses, grief , and emotional distress . I have never in my almost 62 years been so aggressively and maliciously targeted abused bullied and violated - I consider these all acts of War as they were done to intentionally do as much damage as they could possibly do all because they were insanely jealous envious and greedy feeling that their arrogance and gradious self- righteous self loathing - lazy coveting selves should be given each and every thing that I had actually worked hard to aquire and had earned while they had done nothing but plot to take steal and lie about these things being theirs simply because they had been having sex together while lying to the congregation and claiming that they were so Godly ! and last time I checked their acts actually violated almost all of the 10 commandments yet they were such fake's as they would point out what they were actually doing and then claim that I was doing these crimes and sins to them . for and on the record I have never done any witchcraft against this group of domestic terrorists, I have never stolen anything from them nor have I ever made any false claims against them to corporations or law enforcement local, state or Federal as they have done to me - I was blocked from being able to participate in the PPP Program during Covid and my name was placed on a Government watch list and also on a "do not pay list" my social security disability and survivor benefits were illegally ceased for more than 7 months during covid - I was forced to live while being under attack by these terrorists who were using weapons meant to cause me severe damages to my body and my head - as a result I developed a tumor on my spine which had to be removed during a 9 hour surgery that I barely survived as they had intentionally and purposely made an agreement for me to be over-medicated so that I would not survive the long and painful ordeal I ended up in the ICU for a week following these unlawful acts . I have been made to appear as if I was not a upstanding member of society simply because of their own lust greed hatred and envy for everything Good that they knew I was gifted with and instead thought that they could somehow swap out of me and place within a person who lacked even the basic knowledge of what it takes to carry such a position as the one that they felt they could steal and bully me into giving up in exchange for the role of a common street/sex-worker as she in fact was/is
These are actual FACTS damages injuries and accounts of the events that have taken place since 2018-2024
respectfully Monica A - victim and survivor of an all out Criminally organized - gang style attempt to have me assonated and or falsely imprisoned so that some overzealous female could take my place and go on my spiritual destiny that the Most HIGH God had predestined for me - and my Husband to walk on and what the MHG has for ME and MINE can't NO one plot to take , steal bully out of me or conspire against - I rebuke you and EVERY Evil Vile attack or plot to come against any plan that my Father has put in place as HE loves and protects HIS own from all forms of Danger and Malice !
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So as most of you know (especially those of you who have been making a living racially harassing ,stalking mocking and blocking us for ye...
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