Raise your standards !

and When a man thinks that he can use his ability to charm others and also influence their opinion of others , it creates a problem for those who perhaps , this man has done wrong . 

With that being said , I myself have been placed in a position where a man that I considered my life partner actually intentionally went behind my back and agreed to partner with those who had decided to come against me and used the negative opinions of this man to basically cast a false light on my  good character -  saying a number of nasty untrue things about me which were really things that had the person who he had agreed to partner with had said them , perhaps it would have immediately raised a red flag. But since the man that I considered my life partner was a man who was the same race as me , it made it look as if he were telling the truth . 

However what everyone did not realize is that this man had a motive to his actions as he was hiding the true fact and motive to his deceitful and vengeful actions .

 You see the man who I had shared more than 20+ years with and had completely given him way more of my goodness than he really deserved - And when I say "Goodness" I mean I was giving him all of the favors that a husband should be able to expect from his wife , except in this relationship he never actually did what a man and wife do when they come together and cohabitate - There was no marriage - of course there were promises of what we would eventually do , and I would often remind him that I felt as if we had been living a lie considering the fact that he was always at least in public and online ,presenting himself as such a "man of God" when in truth behind closed doors he was not . 

Let me give you a bit of why I can make this statement . I was married prior to meeting this man in fact my late husband who was a man of God - was the complete opposite of this man that I am writing this article about . My late husband was a man who held me in honor when I was in his presence and also when he was out in public , he would defend my good name and dare anyone to try and cause me any harm . 

Now when it comes to the man who I met after my late husband had passed away , he was different with his way in which he treated me and also the way in which he acted when I was not around and he was interacting with others . 

You see I was never really a person who was all about being seen as a trophy wife even though my first husband considered me his trophy and I was his wife . The man who later met following his death never treated me as much of a gift at all and I would often wonder what he saw in me , considering the fact that when I would happen to accompany him to public events I would notice his attraction to other women even in my presence . And if I would bring this to his attention it would start a whole lot of berating comments of 'me being jealous" or "insecure" and he would often make me appear as if I had not seen what I had actually seen , so I began to question my own intuition (which I am now aware of and will never again allow what I see  with my own eyes to become a question of my  being somehow jealous or insecure ) because as I have come to know this is how a man who wants to have his cake and also eat it too will choose to respond when he is actually caught behaving in what he sees is his right to act as a much sought after man or as he might say an ALPHA MALE - One who knows that he can have any female that he wants - and in my case he would often remind me that he "never wanted to end up with a  disabled -widow with 4 children" and yet here we were in a long-term relationship where I felt that we were in love and building a life together right ? But what I did not know is that this man had another side to him . It was a side where if he felt like there was someone who he could invest in and who showed him more attention than I was showing him he might just recklessly act upon his own feelings .

And unfortunately in my case this is exactly what I ended up discovering he had done behind my back , even though for many years he denied and claimed that I was insecure etc .... 

But what made his actions towards me even more incomprehensible is that he didn't just do things that would cause me to feel pain and heartache , but he worked with an entire community to come against me and make false statements about me to others behind my back in an attempt I guess to justify his unfaithful act against our relationship . But it goes a lot deeper than that because he partnered with friends of mine and family members and people in the community who for whatever reason all had a motive for trying to intentionally conspire to make me into some type of woman who should be seen as non-worthy of respect or non-worthy of not being preyed upon sexually mentally emotionally etc and as it turns out it had to so with his own inferiority complex after being made aware of the so called "royal-bloodline" that in fact I was a part of . I am not sure if he felt that he did not measure up ? because It would not have made any difference in the way in which I loved this man , as I was SO  in love with this man that I realize I had been overlooking the red-flags that had been waving in my face for many years . 

long story short .... I am now a single woman who has had to try and heal and find myself after being completely betrayed by a man who still has not had the integrity to even tell me the truth as to the woman who he (secretly behind my back  had offered his hand in marriage to)  and instead he allowed her as well as others play games with my life to the point of creating a completely false narrative about my good character making me appear as if I were the side-piece who had come between his relationship when in truth it was his desire to act on his lust and his feeling that someone had better looks or  was in a better financial  position and there for was a better investment perhaps? which even though it was a huge betrayal , if he had been honest with me when I first got wind of something going on, which he denied because he felt he had covered it up well enough , but if he had just been able to be honest with me it would never have gotten to the circus that it eventually evolved in to . And perhaps he was insecure about telling me because in his heart he knew that what he had in fact intentionally done due to his ego and maybe to get out of a financial pinch perhaps ? I do not know because he has never been man enough to come to me and explain anything choosing instead to partake in an enormous smear campaign and what I found to be the most disturbing is that the person who he created a fake life with was in fact the person who had been secretly stalking my work and everything that I was involved in , even attempting to impersonate me in public and claim funds that were not his or hers but were actually mine , so they decided to slander my good name and spread lie after lie in an attempt to justify their fornication/ adultery and intentional betrayal of the same person whom they were living off of , which was me. 

So as this case is being exposed to everyone who were  being told false information about what he and his "investment" had actually been committing and profiting from at my cost.

I would have to ask him if she was really the great of an investment considering that he had used funds that were mine to give her a better life , while I left to fend for myself and yet in the end I was able to bounce back even better than he had left me and thanks to my faith in God and my stubborn work-ethic he will see that he made probably the WORST choice any man could ever have made -

 And lastly God has a very Good sense of humor which will be shown to everyone in the very near future , so please stay tuned because, you ain't seen nothing yet !! Ba Ba Ba BABY you ain't seen nothing yet ! 

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