Shirt off my back
There are some who are real good actors ,they have 2 masters - and also will never tell the truth that they are the ones who we need to be protected from - acting to be Angelic while being in a relationship with a man who was already in a serious relationship yet you were intentionally going around slandering my good name and working to erase me and my finances by pretending to be me while telling lies about me not being "all that " but wait - if I'm not then why are you willing to win at all cost a role as me ? If that role wasn't "all that " you were willing to lie kill and steal to impersonate ? And you also have been living a life that you have not worked to achieve but rather you have been stalking my every single move in an attempt to paint me in a false light because you want to block my success and hope to be seen as a woman of God ? Huh but I know that you are not even close to that because I am the one who you claimed was not a real woman of God and then you told lies to my man so you could gain access to me and steal my reports and my files and act like you were in the same line of work as me and also Shane my work while trying to boast about your own but you stole my work and did witchcraft over me so that I would be trying to stay safe and protected and you acted as if you were praying for me and you were actually preying on me . You are so disrespectful desperate and delusional for all of the crimes sins and abuses that you have intentionally done to me ! Almost all the things that you say are lies and you fake deaths to not be held responsible for the thefts and the crimes that you committed ! You also took out an insurance policy in my name and declared that I had passed away and even had a memorial service where you read eulogies as if you were my friend ! And you're not - And I ask God to expose all the lies the whole behind the scenes separate life that was a lie that was worth the lies I guess ? Damn Shame I do not feel the spirit of God coming from you but I do clutch my handbag extra tight when ever you are near .
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So as most of you know (especially those of you who have been making a living racially harassing ,stalking mocking and blocking us for ye...
IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO REMEMBER TO CALL OUT TO THE MOST HIGH GOD - ( In fact He's waiting for you to call out and ask for guidance and ...