Emit Till was a lesson on truth and integrity

No one should ever be murdered or imprisoned due to lies yet in 2024 we are still being targeted for death due to another's lies - here is a a short note pertaining to what I as a Whistleblower has had to survive just to stand up for justice because it's not just -us who are under attack but it's also this nation that claims to be One nation Under God - and if in fact we are one nation Under HIS control then we best heed the warning - We are all under judgement for how we treat one another Good Or Bad you will be judged by The most high God for how you treat each other . Period . 

 There have been times when I was not sure if I was going to make it . Times when these unwarranted assaults were so aggressive and repetitive that it seemed as if they must have been doing it because of what I have done right ,and not because I had done anything we wrong  to any of the minions who would parade in front of where I was residing  . Making lots of  noises to interrupt my peace at all times non stop malice  non stop invasions of my privacy and illegally recording my every move even in private areas like the bedroom or the bathroom ,even using government issued weapons against me! 

 I can remember when I was so weak from all of the radioactive weapons attacks on my spine (which lead to the formation of a tumor) that I wondered if I was  going to be here much longer . I even recall asking my ex -partner if he wanted me to help him find a new mate so that he wouldn't be left all alone ,never realizing that these attacks were due to someone else's envy jealousy and greed in an attempt to commit these criminals attacks on me so that I would no longer be seen as his life partner and so that they themselves would be held in the same positive energy And esteem as I was held in ., Which is kind of an obnoxious theory considering that the most high God is the one who has placed each of us exactly where he wants us to be . There is no switching seats and playing games with others lives that is going to get you to a better place in line . As a woman who for the most part has managed to maintain a positive outlook on life in spite of the many obstacles that I have had to face and overcome. I never felt the need to hinder another person's Destiny simply because I felt that I could . Or even because for whatever reason I just didn't like them . But what I have been shown is this is what has been fueling this all out act of war that has been wagged against me and has been ongoing for far too long 

It comes down to someone being so stuck on  themselves and feeling as if their own lustful need to be admired and held up to  a higher level than they could ever actually have achieved and then being told the truth ,that their own selfish  jezebel -whoa is me -harlot  spirit  was in no means about to be accepted here that made this overzealous - drama queen try and turn a whole country against me, as if by me speaking up and speaking out against what I as an intuitive - earth angel could clearly see was some sneaky -link -snakes -attempt to replace me in my own man's personal life  before I had even been pronounced dead . And mind you this particular snake was on a mission . Her mission was to come to where I had planted flowers and to rip them all up or to completely poison the soil so that I would never be able to re- plant any other bulbs or seeds . But one thing that this simple minded twit did not know about me , is that I may sway from the force of the wind and at times appear to be down , I NEVER stay down (unless down is the place to be )  and if anything ,I hope and pray that this simple minded twit realizes that I was the wrong person to try and play with thinking that if she came and told lies about me that she knew were not true thinking that she'd have the strength in numbers to come against me and win ,I want her to learn that sometimes a whole multitude of people can be told a lie and act on it ,only to be shown that they are all out of order . It's then you to then basically as to what their punishment will be.  In most cases You'd think that just knowing this would cause a level headed coconspirator to cease their evil actions and retreat , however when knowingly Still choosing to come and cause harm is the choice then surely you must not become Alarmed when those who are in the Devine position of rendering judgement against you decide to take a stiff and aggressive action against you and your klan .  Due to the facts and evidence that was left behind even though you did your best to obstruct justice by destroying as much of the evidence as you could , thinking that you were clever and deceitful enough to evade arrest .  

You see I have been to the mountain top and I have kneeled before Kings and have sat with the prophets and counselled with the most high who has declared you to be not just out of  order but a  complete abomination to Him and a cancer to HIS own people and when there is a cancer found it will be quickly and aggressively plucked out and destroyed , so that it is never able to reappear in any form at any time .  And this my dear is your fate .  

You can repent but you can't claim ownership for something that you basically stole by first using witchcraft to confuse the subject of your theft . You came in dishonor now you are being judged for this same unjustified behavior towards a couple who you were insanely jealous about their pure love so you felt that you could sow discord and just pillage and plunder and take what you wanted and then had the nerve to act out in indignation about being questioned as you tried to escape with all the gouds . 

This is a message to anyone who has been involved in this year's long conspiracy to deprive a couple from being able to complete their Devine destiny. If you have Not ceased your activity It is suggested that you do so Immediately . If you are found to be part of these crimes you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law both on the judicial level and on the spiritual level . If you have not made any attempt to make amends for  the damages caused, you are advised to make an honest attempt to remedy these damages .  

Some times we are so quick to try and get over on another person ,simply because our ego gets bruised , but let me be the one to remind you that a bruise can be a reminder of what you did that you should never have been close enough to have gotten bruised in the first place  and often it's a test to see just how far you will allow something go based on a lie , do not instigate  another Emit Till  event here on US soil because this time all eyes are sharply focused on you And all the scales of justice are being equaled in favor of what is just what is the truth and what damages were actually caused  by your own misconduct deceit and your  destructive    false claims made with these intentions . 

The world is Watching  and you will not be Able to lie, Cry  Spy or Bully your way out of this. 

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