Highjacking a person's Destiny ?

 It has come to my attention that there is a plot to highjack my and my partners divine destiny. 

This is being done with the use of multiple sources on a nonstop constant bases .

 I know that there are many who are completely obsessed with the fact that our destiny has been predestined - yet that only made them tell more lies in an attempt to rewrite what the Most High has already written .

And so , I have been lied about , my kindness has been seen as foolishness and for some asinine reason this smear campaign preceded to take aggressive actions against me believing all the lies that were being told of the "delusional - copycat - imposter " being the person who was meant to be in my place in this Devine  destiny. Only to find out that not only was she the foolish one but also that all of her aggressive actions and abusive misconduct had been recorded and observed by the higher-ups who have decided that they have in fact collected enough facts and evidence to lockup everyone involved in this illicit demonic plot . 

And let's not forget the large amount of time it took to try and make my life and the lives of my loved ones a complete nightmare. 

Iam completely convinced that this organized plot to highjack our spiritual destiny and claim  it as her own was not an accident and in fact this group which has now spanned  to a  world -wide effort to stalk ,mock and block every aspect of our lives . 
From the way that my life partner and I loved each other to the way that I look ,this person (who told lies so others would join in on her hate -crime assaults and intrusions   ) was so diabolical that they even used the demonic practice of witchcraft trying to control my life partners sexual appetite . This low-life did so many spells on him that they were layered and it made him act out in ways that he would not have acted had they not been under the wicked control of this organized plot against the two of us being able to carry out our Devine destiny . 
This dirty low-life is mentally unstable and is toxic AF ! I guess believing her own lies and feeling as if the sex that she was engaging in with my life partner was genuine And that she was as hot and desirable as the spell work made her appear to be . And may I add that this person now refuses to let him act on his own free will by walking away and returning to the spiritual path that she knows he was predestined to be on . 

Not only has this person living in her own lies and feelings of being a better match than Me or of turning him on sexually more than I. Not wanting to admit that it was all smoke and mirrors .This nasty hoe had the nerve to lie and make him  claim a pregnancy that he had not even been the #John to plant the seed up in side of her well rested?  or perhaps over used uterus. 
This entire smear campaign has come to an end . 
All of the sex acts in cars and in hotels etc has been exposed and there is no way that I will silently sit back and allow you to destroy my Devine Destiny - I stand ten toes down , locked and loaded waiting for anyone who feels the right to make false claims , or interfer with any my stabilities be it  , spiritually ,emotionally , mentally ,financially , in my housing ,in my work place or any Place that I happen to be.  You will never be able to be me ,impersonate me or steal my blessings, and get away with it .

 I AM A DEVINE BEING I LIVE FREE OF FEAR FROM ANY SOURCE ! AS YOU HAVE BEEN SHOWN NONE OF YOUR FRIVOLOUS OUTRAGES AND COMPLETELY MALICIOUS ATTEMPTS TO GET ME ARRESTED , SETUP OR KILLED HAVE BEEN ABLE TO KEEP ME SILENT - NOT ONLY THAT BUT YOU CAN BE PROUD OF THE FACT THAT YOU DID SUCH A DIRTY DUSTY JOB? (half job at best maybe) THAT THE ORGANISATION THAT YOU THOUGHT  WAS PROTECTING YOU HAS decided that they will be turning their backs and refusing any association with your poor quality of carrying out your (failed) mission . They don't know you ! Don't like that you lead with lies rather than with integrity when you went to them claiming that your request for assistance in killing me were in deed warranted when in fact they were  all done out of your own insecurities , envy , jealousy ,greed ,and feeling of superiority over me . And last time I checked that too was found to be not true as I have proven through my work that is already known and my good deeds which are also recorded in the eathers which proved  that I am an actual  recognized  in proper standing member and heir of the royal bloodline that you so desperately wanted everyone to believe was yours .  And once again that too was a failed account of facts made by you . Please fir your own good stop making up false claims about me against me ,involving me or that violate my privacy rights IE my private non public life by continuing to illegally record me in my bed ,bedroom. ,bathroom and bathtub  . I have a legally enforced copy right that states that I would have to have given my consent which of course I have never given not would I ever give (especially to the sexual harassment,sexual exploration and trafficking of my nude or partially clothed body - for your own pleasure or profit - which is an  unacceptable violation of me as a Devine being and a royal heir  (female) standing in her  power ,dignity and her ability to have you judged and to judge you and find you guilty of all the above crimes which makes this an affidavit of facts to crimes that have been committed by you and against me . Respectfully - MA (agent )  Seattle Washington USA - 

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