Stay at Home Moms , Changing Lives - Sharing real-News and Information that Impact the lives of Women of ALL Color's
Donations are always appreciated - Thank You
If you would like to donate please know that any gift is appreciated and will be used to keep this blogger focused on the duty of delivering the truth - while basically being prevented and blocked by those who are trying to make it so I will not be able to survive since Jan 2018 -Oct 2024 I have been paid $0 in compensation yet as a journalist I remember my journalistic duty to report the truth - to the best of my ability - Thank You 💖 for your help M Andres Seattle WA USA my cash app link is below$RealMonicaAndres
When the lies told become her obsession (just to keep what you stole )
Imagine Being so obsessed with what I have going on , that you lose yourself in the lies that you've told (and believe me , there have been many) You've been intercepting messages to keep your -pathetic fake image of being the best choice for a better partner than myself (the ex partner who you're laughing at vua your hidden surveillance camera in her bedroom and bathroom - you have paid others to join in on your competition for my position , yet I was the only one who didn't know what you were plotting -and for the record competition is usually 2 people who have agreed to do so , it's not 1 person having an advance over the other and then hiring others to also manipulate the persons narrative and switch it up with your own negative life in hopes of later being able to claim that you were in a competition with her because sweetie last time I checked what you were doing was cheating which is when one side who is not capable on competing with the other ,does things to make things go in their favor IE tells others fake stories so she can gain sympathy or claims to be a better investment than the other choice when in fact you had been stalking the other choice,in this case that would be me who was stalked and you along with multiple others who have done the stalking ,but wait,that's not all ,you hacked tracked mocked and cock blocked me as well in an attempt to be the only choice - kinda like that Olympic skater Tanya Harding .
Anyhow yeah I know you don't want to hear it anymore but yet you have no problem spreading the false information as if it were facts knowing damn well that if you were in fact telling the truth to the matter then there would be no need to intentionally block me from being able to see ,read and respond to it ,just like your team of trolls do . And the reason you block me from being able to see the slandering and maliciously worded posts about me is because 1 You know you are flat out lying 2 You also know that I have NO problem with telling the truth 3 The worse thing that a habitual liar hates more is a good person who is able to tell the truth and expose the liar 4 and in this case the Liar is YOU . And so now you've managed to make quite a life based off of telling lies about me so that you could publicly impersonate and live off of me . hummm kinda like having your identity ,your heritage ,culture ,your history completely rewritten to fit the life of someone who wasn't even meant to have it . And while I walked around for over 61 years carrying a burden that wasn't even mine to carry no one was willing to trade me for the soft plush lives that they were living . It was only AFTER affirming that I was going to finally get to live the life that the most High meant for me to live ,one where I was going to finally be able to put down the heavy burden that I had been given to carry for over 61years and the whole time others watched and blocked me from being able to get any help with removing but now you want to bully me out of the fruits of my hard labor thinking that all you have to do is hook up with my man and then tear me down to him and to others and then just simply walk away with my bag and my pension and my respect as if it were in fact you who had carried the load with me ,and to that I say this , never have I been more prepared to deliver a final judgement to a better deserving person than yourself . may you have nothing but time to reflect on where you actually went wrong by believing that You could be successful in carrying out such an illus deception as the ones in this case here . I don't know if you were dropped at birth or just cocky and full of your self but I will never allow that to happen further more my Father God is backing me and HE is not about to allow that to happen so if you are still feeling brave enough to step up and try to take us both out then please do . Because I was born for times just like the one that you claim that you have a right to claim as your own life and 1 I never lose a fight that someone else has started 2I come out swinging Hard ,so please don't cry and think that you'll be given any sympathy 3 I have been placed here on this earth to fix the world of those who have made a living off of telling people lies and I promise that you will not be able to get a victory this Go round . 4 if you think that I am playing when I say Your time is up - F#ck around cuz You are about to find Out ! I promise 🙏 I am recalling Every item stolen from me or my ancestors be returned returned to me the rightful heir and the person who has been given the task of overseeing the assets left or hidden - anyone else who is trying to steal kill or destroy anything associated with me will be dealt with in the Galactic world by those who are involved in seeing that I am able to claim and carryout my spiritual mission here on earth . While I have come in peace Please do not ever take my kindness for foolishness . As I am both competent and capable of managing , creating and building an Empire simply by believing and knowing that I am meant to do so by The most high God who has put me here not to be abused or falsely accused but to be a light in a dark place and to awaken us all up from a dream that up to nt up to now has only been a long - nightmare played out time and time again -
To the point where our Father felt the Need to step in and defend and if God be for me , who dare be against me !
Can't serve 2 masters
These wicked evil coven @itches really think that they can swap destines with the 144 thousand just as we have finally been able to get our breath after living under oppression ,mental anguish abusive behavior from friends family and loved ones and financial hardships And now all of a sudden they catch wind that The bible says those on the bottom. will rise to the top and those who have been on top will fall down-
And I must say that this whole situation is wickedly racist and as a so called "Black woman " I can credibly speak for myself as well as all sisters when I say "there is no way that any of you witches who first of all if you were as angelic as some of you have been pretending to be just to get with a man that you knew was already in a committed relationship (and you saw he might have some money so you began to plot) but ,if you were truly the best choice for any man ,you would not have to use witch craft to prove that it him . After all the use of witchcraft to change a person's behavior towards you would constitute an unstable mind of the man who you have now tricked into believing that you had something of value to go after more than the real angelic Woman who he was already with long before you noticed and got all caught up in your feelings of being jealous envious and determined to steal kill and destroy your way into his life no matter what you had to do because you saw that what he had going on did not include you in it .
And the woman who did not have to manipulate her man by controlling his erections with witchcraft or making him stay in a constant state of confusion and loss just so he would never be able to go in another direction away from your sorry ass . That woman who you also plotted on and told insane lies about what she wasn't doing but you said she was when you were actually telling him things and saying that his partner was foung just incase the witchcraft wasn't enough to get him to get him so caught up in his anger over the fake claims that you were making so that you could then lie again and claim that you had gotten pregnant (when in fact either you were all ready knocked up by one of your "johns" or you were planning on wearing a fake baby bump until he got you pregnant . But kwts not forget that in order for him to have not even used a condom which he should have clearly done . You lied and claimed that you had been having a problem with even getting pregnant and that there was no way that you could even conceive in an attempt to get him to lay with you with you unprotected knowing dsmn well that your ass was lying and that you had done spell work on him binding him to you after the first sexual encounter he just thought he was attracted to you not knowing that there was nothing attractive in you because you were a dark practicing witch sent to intentionally break up his relationship so that you could have him pay your way through life
The truth is you don't even want that man you just didn't like That he was my man and so you and your other witch sisters came up with a feeble plan to sleep with the men of Judah who you knew would believe your lies and try and turn you into a life partner or a housewife and we already know that you can't turn no ___into a housewife . Yet here we are and your still taking our you envy on people children and killing fetuses and pets all because you are not fut to be walking free on any society due to your viscous nature and your uncontrollable anger towards anyone or anything you feel has something better than you going on in their lives
. like me for instance you had a one night stand or an online fling thing going on with my man then you started becoming obsessed with me because you could see that even though I may be more mature in age than you I am still in an extremely high energy level and able to keep my man pleased without the use of anything but my pure love and self confidence In my ability to make him relax and enjoy the moment that two people have when they are in love . You had been stalking our union long before you ever got the nerve to interfere in our divine union infect you went in telling him lies about you being a better choice than me because you knew that you weren't but you had been doing spell work stealing my energy and making it appear as your own , that way he would not be able to tell that everything you said or did was in fact fake fake sex , fake orgssm fake healing skills cuz you are a witch and witches ain't really shit because if they were all they wouldn't need to do spell work cuz the universe and the most high would provide whatever it was that you need, like they have for me and continue to do so because I come in honesty and don't use my gifts to take advantage of anyone.
You see when you get a gift from God HE will watch you to see what you do with that gift he'll even let you think that you've got power just to then have you put on blast when it all turns sour and you begin to lose all of the things that you have made idols and have coveted from someone else who had earned it ,like you tried time after time when you were trying to make yourself a partner to a man who clearly didn't need a new one because his partner had more genuine compassion success and brilliance than you could possibly imagine as and if you were not so damn obsessed with trying to cause damage to her due to all of the things you saw that she had that you wanted , you might have been able to learn how to get the type of life that you felt you could just bully her to hand over to you or blackmail her man into providing by threatening to tell me that you two were having sex already even before you faked that you needed him to protect you from me . when it was you the entire time who had been stalking stealing and doing the most behind the scenes just to make it look like you were worthy of his attention and guess what ? You weren't ! then and after all this shit show that you've caused you will never be worthy of anything more than a prison cell! I just hope that for once you will just admit that you might be able to suck _____for a buck but you can't be that good at it if you are constantly broke and feel the need to bully and steal my money from me but refuse to want to learn how a real woman can make a difference in others lives simply by using her God given gifts in a manner that never includes preforming any kind of sexual act , and actually get paid well! because once you reach that low level of doing things the way that you have been the devil is already your master and the only thing you can look forward to is sentencing and hopefully someone putting a couple of dollars on your J-Pay account so you can buy some stamps or a snack out of the vending machine .
But like I was saying there is NO way that you will be trading any destiny's with anyone because there is an entire galactic Universe that you have completely annoyed with you insane illegal abusive behavior and they are taking actions to make sure you don't have access to anything or anyone ever again - this is what happens when one abuses gifts and intentionally causes harm to people who are doing good and helping others rather than intentionally hurting them - if you don't learn another thing learn that you should have stopped before you even touched my man but since you did you will face a serious judgement if not a judgement and an order to repay all that you have swindled from others when you should have told the truth that you were not worthy of his time and you were just lost in your envy of his wife who's social media presence got you feeling some kind of way . #jealous #envious #greedy and she's 62 ! yet you were so weak that you hired a hitman to take her life because you finally realized that you could never compete because you couldn't be ccompared to her as she was something so opposite of all the darkness that you carry in your dark joyless body. I was an example of light and called on God for guidance after you committed adultry with my man and then told lies and were even willing to kill just to cover it up and try and win at all costs ..and you #stillLost
note this female is a criminal - and I am demanding that she be removed from society as she actually lacks the compatency to make clear and safe every day rational decisions choosing instead to kill someone simply because she was mad at the way others loved them more than they loved her etc. Enough already do not wait until she starts an actual civil war
What is up with the mindset of friends and family who plot against you ?
Its a sad thing when a woman can't leave her 20+ year Partner at home while she's having a tumor removed only to later realize that her fake ass thirsty Ex friends family or community stalkers were just waiting for the chance to get him alone so they could feel the same way that you feel even though they have never been close enough to you or your man to even be invited into you-al 's circle of friends So it is not a matter that you just happened to be in the area or whatever because some of you were hiding in closets for d#ck as if it were dipped in Gold falling to the lowest level ever by doing something that they knew their Ass should NOT have done period I don't care how sexy you thought he was etc.
If anyone That I knew was in the hospital and I just happened to stop by your home you can actually rest in knowing the my respect for myself would never allow me to take advantage of you ,your marriage or lower my morals by allowing a man whom I clearly knew was not available for me to be testing with sex .
I don't care how sexy you felt or how horny you may have felt and the fact that you then decided to try and form a quick relationship with him behind my back is proof that you knew of God's disappointment and disapproval for the sins and lies that resulted from the attempt to cover up your lustful sins and carrying out your F 'd up nasty thoughts and desires just to say that you had broken up our divine union only to now realize that the only thing that you gained was a target on your big head and a funcky stench from your lack of proper sexual hygiene and hiding in closets rather than showering and cleaning out that cum catcher that now attracts nothing but knats .
And I will tell you that I am looking forward to my day in court where I will have my right to face the false accusers who had a motive to commit perjury when you lied under oath about me just so you could have my position in his life which is so fricken sick and its also obvious that you must have never had any good di#k like the one that you knew I had left safe and at home because you lost your damn MF mind over my man then you proceeded to completely destroy my life and everything associated with it just because you could not fathom the thought of me being the lover in this man's life .
You give the word Thirsty a whole New image as in She was so thirsty that she hid in his closet waiting for something more, after that first big d#ck penetration left her dazed and obviously confused .
Those WHO chose to intentionally come against me
We are obviously in the end of day's - as we currently know them -
With that being said there are some who have partnered with the demons to come against those whom have been deemed to be "The Chosen" or those whom have been proven to be under the protection of The Most High God - Which if I knew that someone was in fact protected by TMHG I really doubt that I would continue to come against the target , but then again I would NEVER be out in the world making another person's life more difficult than it might already be , and instead I would have tried to see if their was something that I Could do to help or perhaps have offered to look further into the actual person and would have realized that there was NEVER any reason to have come against her due to me being all caught up - Which is where this Organized plot to Intentionally come for those who they should have been trying to make friends with rather than trying to have them killed or arrested so that you could feel as if you had accomplished some type of Great Historic Biblical- Mission defeat -
I guess now my only question would be , "Now you know that you F' up-Right" ? as your being so insanely obsessed with trying to cause me physical , emotional , spiritual, financial and Losses that have been done to cause me to experience heart-break from the extremely personal and mentally abusive deprivation of the one man whom they had all known was meant to be my partner in this life time as we were both predestined by God to come together and ascend into the New Kingdom together - knowing all of this is what made this AN ACT OF DOMESTIC TERRORISM - Executed by a bunch of hired extremists who had watched our lives for years just to try and come in and kill us so that they could get a charge from being a menace in the society which they claimed that I was too dangerous to be included in - AND OF COURSE we know that everything that a person who has taken on the mindset of the devil , that what they claim to be factual is actually not even a fact at all it's just all wishful thinking ,because Dark will NEVER be able to outshine the Light . And those who are called actually hear HIS voice , which I can and if you were also on the same level you too would have heard TMH when he said "TOUCH NOT MY ANNOINTED " back in 2022 - but you thought it was funny and felt that you could beat GOD !?! which in and of it's self is blasphemy and just plain disrespectful to our Creator and Father -
THE FACT THAT you felt that you could continually spread lies and make false claims against me is bad but then you took it even further when after stealing my ID you also went to a Dr appt in my name and placed in my medical record ,YOUR medical information in a desperate attempt to what ? make me look like I had whatever it is that you were trying to push off on me ? It is INSANE that you have taken so much damn time to aggressively stalk mock and block me out of the life of my partner , while also controlling the complete narrative over EVERY ASSPECT OF NOT JUST HIS LIFE , BUT ALSO OF MY LIFE - you sick obsessed jealous jezebel creature that you are. I have never heard of a more desperate inferior female in my entire 62 years her on Earth ! And my prayer is that all of the criminal acts that you committed against me are charged in your indictment as you also have the SPIRITUAL violations to be changed with as well - You came in to a divine relationship to sow discord and used witch craft to seduce and make my life partner think that you were a divine feminine and had more to offer than I did - which if that were in fact true it would have been his choice to make without the use of spellwork , which proves that you were a fraud in the first place because any real divine feminine does not do witchcraft nor do they have to seduce a divine masculine to have sex by claiming that you couldn't get pregnant only to have plotted to make him feel as if you getting pregnant was a reason for him to commit to you and marry you when he was already married ! not to mention that you were not pregnant or atleast not with his actual child , you just got anxious after stalking my every move and finding out that He and I had conceived a child - this is when all of the other false tales escalated and the weapons of mass- destruction and witchcraft began to be aimed at my fetus as well as my head ,my face my breast and any other part of me that this obsessive jealous woman who wanted to be me - felt that her life would be wonderful if I were not in it - or that my life was wonderful so she would just have me killed so that she could live the life that I had built off of nothing but hard work a positive outlook on life and faith in God that His plans for me to have a better life would come if I would endure and not let all of those who hated me simply for the life that I had but they never noticed the 45+ years of hardships struggles and obstacles that I had to get through , climb over and learn from. You see if you were expecting to come and swap destinies with me you would have had to start from the beginning as I had - and you would have had to overcome everything that I had to go through , the loss of my husband AL and the way in which my family turned their back on me due to their knowledge of my birthright and the feeling that they too were jealous of what they had been shown was to come to me if I could just survive and stay true to mySELF and not rely on the approval of others.
If someone asked you to betray me why did you not say NO ?
If someone has come to you crying about how they wanted to cause me harm ,it Shame or to experience embarrassment and you chose to go along with them or even get paid to set me up for the attack by allowing them access to where I should have been protected by you ! if you didn't actually participate directly in the Abusive behavior but yet you knew about it and kept your mouth shut And refused to come to me (even though I was begging you to help me because these extremely aggressive crazy stalkers were in fact trying to kill me ) and you just looked at me all crazy and chose to NOT tell me anything and decided to sit back and remote view me while I was going through torment pain and emotional duress and all everyone did was Laugh, and masterbated to my pictures to drawn my energy closer so you could cause me more suffering because that was what got you both off huh ? THESE ARE THE SAME ONES THAT THE MOST HIGH IS MAKING AN Example OF IN THE "WHAT THEY WISH THAT THEY HAD NOT DONE " SECTION OF A FEDERAl indictment being issued to all who conspired to commit a crime that can not be erased by destroying documents and harassing the victim/witness and denying her info about the facts that she was forced to get on her own. And if you are honestly innocent then you have no worries... But then again if you did do the biggest act of betrayal to ever take place and it was done to intentionally cause me pain because you and her were already Involved and you f#cked around while claiming that you hadn't touched anyone but me in over 20 years ,so that means that you should have zero children under the age of 22 right ? I'll wait ..... Crickets crickets .. telling them lies about me to convince them to take action Against me when I was the one telling the truth and you turned your back on me the one honest woman who has always had your back and saved your life with cpr in 2019 when your heart stopped at SeaTac airport only to have threats made Against my own life just a few short years later , forgetting the 20+ years we lived together ,now acting as if I had done to you what was being allowed to be done to me ,non stop acts of violence such malicious acts that others who were Against me are Angry about it all and are bringing forth evidence and statements , but if you Still want me to prove it then just sit back and see what happens next .......
God has spoken Justice Over My Case
All who conspired to commit fraud upon the courts and to defraud me as the rightful heir , God has spoken judgement over all of your evil corrupt dealings with the courts and the connections that you formed due to greed ,envy ,jealousy ,lust and lack of moral maturity And Integrity needed to handle the financial affairs as a Power of Attorney - which You never had Any right to even be in a city proceeding in the first place - You committed the ultimate deceptions by illegally posing as Me ,marrying a fake (cousin)pretending to be me ? Then you just proceeded to tell lie after lie after lie and have been living a life based on lies that you've been telling and from stealing mail opening that mail and you then opened accounts in my name ,purchased cars in my name ? Took vacations with my funds (I hCent hD. Vacation in 20 years ) ,sold items that were mine did wire fraud in my name opened businesses bank accounts etc ,had me blocked from being able to make a living or get any relief while you all lived off of your fraud that you were allowed to do in my name ! Stalking me sexually harassing me and sex trafficking me , mental anguish ,and mental abuse financial crimes and intentionally causing financial hardships for over 5 years - not to mention slander defamation of character and bearing false witness to the congregation and the public we it the intent to cause irreversible damages ! A liar will look you right in your eye and think that you're too nieve to see through all their bullshit lies and fake alibis !
Financial hardship retaliation
This is part of what is now known as a portion of a somewhat new section in the Domestic Violence offenses ,however it is also an area of abuse that a control freaks , or an envious ex ,or ex's of an ex 🤬 now use take control of another person and then try and intentionally cause a financial hardship to a person sometimes this even happens when there is a person whom these financial manipulating ,hardship initiating jackasses target's , and because they have failed at causing the targeted person to suffer from other losses like stability, love or success so the only thing left is to come to where the target lives and implant them selves in to the staff posing as a maintenance worker or other staff and towing cars ,which is a form of retaliation due to the actual stalking that the target had reported that those. Involved in the harassment had been doing . Not to mention that they are being paid to report and tow cars for what ? Kickbacks ? Because this is clearly an area where the wrong angry or abusive ,even a manipulating racist type of predator could Easily use this as a way of bullying ,harming ,Financially exploiting or just out right intentionally stalking harassing and sexually exploiting an innocent person And there is even a pattern of practices here as they did this 3 yrs ago and I just mentioned it as I was talking in what should have been the privacy of my own bedroom but was in fact being illegally recorded by the same group of conspirators who were already involved in the illegal aggressive harassment ,attempt to embezzle my trust fund and other assets and more over 3years ago ,yet have now come to work here ? what !! 😲 Also the same pattern which is them being triggered by a post right here on my blog "stay at home moms changing lives" ? Using this lame excuse in the past ,but my blog is something that they themselves would have to actually be looking searching or stalking me online in a search engine ..... To find . So if anyone claims that they were triggered by my postings then they were triggered by what ? The truth being displayed right before their eyes ? And another thing ,when people claim that they were triggered that means that whatever triggered them hit close to home or is something that reins in truth right ? So to claim to be triggered is not an excuse for committing an act of Aggression towards someone else , in fact it's more of an admitting that a lightbulb came on . right ? Because when the truth is right before your eyes it can make you feel done kinda way .... Guilt ,more than likely and if guilt is the reason that you Act out then you have yet to master the art of selfcontrol over your own emotions and I would suggest that you go get some counseling to find out why you use Abuse and manipulate others simply because they're doing in their own life what you yourself wish that you could be doing ,but instead of just admitting it,you instead chose to spread false rumors , tell others lies about the person who you were envious of and then decided to take out your own Aggressions against that person because you are immature and incapable of being true to not just yourself but others as well .
I have also been more aggressively targeted after posting on my blog something that these people either don't Agree with ? Or that it was so damn spot on factual that they knew it was only a matter of time before that knock on the door would come , and that had them feeling a certain kinda way .... Scared 😳
Who knows what drives a person to feel that they can get away with bullying someone financially and not have that bad energy be returned right back to you X 10 ,and any other bad ju-ju that was meant to negatively effect me my family or my close loved one may it be returned right back to you as well and next time you think that you can just make another person's life harder than it has to be, simply because of you being all up in your feelings of envy hate and jealousy , do us a favor and stop before you find yourself in the same position that you meant for me and My immediate family to be in ,because just like those that are about to get exactly what they deserve, you could just be their next target 🎯
Stop messing with our mail
Stop messing with my Internet and our car ! These are all forms of retaliatory harassment ! And they are Actually ON to each And every one of you ! Keep thinking that I'm playing ... And find out real quick that I'm not !
Positive Energy only please
Positive Energy is obviously so rare that those with out it will set up illegal- surveillance and record you ,only to be shown that all of their negative actions that they wished upon you ,didn't work - Cuz your still vibing with positive energy and they're caught gang stalking you ,slandering your good name and stealing mail ,impersonating you and trying to make your life a living hell ,while acting as if they are clueless as to why you had to go into hermit mode . Thank Goodness I was able to keep my energy positive so that I attracted a positive outcome -
False claims lead to hostile living environment
So there are some who have been telling lies and making false claims in am attempt to try and get me caught up in the system . Case in point making a complaint that did something to them then lying to law enforcement in the report claiming that I didn't live here and was visiting my daughter ? Yeah and you knew damn well that I lived here because I hand delivered an award letter to you when you first started here with the same address you claimed in the report but as if this was not enough she then lied and claimed that I lived on MLK somewhere when she knew damn well that I live in the same place on her false report . Doing all of this to obstruct justice so that I wouldn't be Able to respond the court and would hopefully lose by default after never receiving the notice ,but his did the first notice arrive but the second notice had a completely different address that I did not change .
Also note that this incident took place in 2023 then about a few weeks later there was a floo d on the property )that if my daughter had not heard the dripping would probably have taken lives as the floor directly above where I reside started to fall And would have pancaked on top of our floor (we even recorded it on video and her own cleaning crew supervisor stated that the flood was questionable at best and that it looked like it was intentional) However I believe that there is some type of insurance fraud occuring as this property has still not been restored back to the state it was in prior to "the flooding" and it's will almost be a year coming up that we have had to live in a substandard damp/mold embedded building and apartment that you can clearly see is in need of some serious TLC because it is in horrible condition and yet there are tenderly low income women and men expected to just overlook the amount of damage that was caused as a result of these "stunts " meant to cause mental and emotional stress duress and damage ,as it is a known fact that the quality of ones living environment can actually cause ones quality of life to slip as well as add to an earlier death ,which is I believe this was intentionally meant to do . Ok prior to all of the last effort to sow discord they had been doing noise campaigns. Banging on the walls from the apt directly above us . Also there was a few members of a witch -coven being allowed to Come do black magic spell work to, I guess Also tear down my high energy level (just as a property that is kept in a poor living environment will do )which allows their witchcraft to take affect better . Hhhhh And I am positive that this has been their goal all along because They want my devine destiny and the finances attached -thinking that they can bully me out Of it , but that didn't work . So then they tried to have me arrested so that I would not be able to defend my good name . that came when the halls it flooded And our apartment which is still in a substandard living condition considering that it's coming up on a year now that it's been plagued with the smell of mold . And insects etc and has construction dust and paper and tape over windows ,steps and the fire alarms. Not to forget that they are actively hacking into our Internet and our emails and cell phone communication, which to me demonstrate their complete lack of knowledge if Federal Fair housing rules when it comes to invasions of a tenants rights to privacy and invasions of these privacies that should be protected . Just saying . Something must be done to secure that a tenant is not abused by the same staff that has a duty of care to help the tenants instead of intentionally hurting them .
And I look forward to being able to afford to relocate to a more stable and welcoming living environment where I can rest and know that I am not illegally being recorded by those who have been allowed to come and gain access to the apartment directly above where I am supposed to be able to have privacy and rest and heal . This is what I am praying to the most high God to deliver to me and may he also see that those who are responsible for the abusive actions towards the tenants be made to deliver an acceptable remedy to those who are still suffering .
Thank you in advance MH for always protecting me my family and the other elderly low-income and disabled tenants here in this community may we all feel the love that only you can deliver . Amen 🙏
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Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims
IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO REMEMBER TO CALL OUT TO THE MOST HIGH GOD - ( In fact He's waiting for you to call out and ask for guidance and ...