Can't serve 2 masters

 These wicked evil coven @itches  really think that they can swap destines with the 144 thousand  just as we have finally been able to get our breath after living under oppression ,mental anguish abusive behavior from friends family and loved ones  and financial hardships  And now all of a sudden they catch wind that The bible says those on the bottom. will rise to the top and those who have been on top will fall down- 

And I must say  that this whole situation is wickedly racist and as a so called  "Black woman " I can credibly speak for myself as well as all sisters when I say "there is no way that any of you witches who first of  all if you were as angelic as some of you have been pretending to be  just to get with a man that you knew was already in a committed relationship (and you saw he might have some money so you began to plot) but ,if you were truly the best choice for any man ,you would not have to use witch craft to prove that it him . After all the use of witchcraft to change a person's behavior towards you would constitute an unstable mind of the man who you have now tricked into believing that you had something of value to go after more than the real angelic Woman who he was already with long before you noticed and got all caught up in your feelings of being jealous envious and determined to steal kill and destroy your way into his life no matter what you had to do because you saw that what he had going on did not include you in it .

 And the woman who did not have to manipulate her man by controlling his erections with  witchcraft or making him stay in a constant state of confusion and loss just so he would never be able to go in another direction away from your sorry ass . That woman  who you also plotted on and told insane lies about what she wasn't doing but you said she was when you were actually telling him things and saying that his partner was foung just incase the witchcraft wasn't enough to get him to get him so caught up in his anger over the fake claims that you were making so that you could then lie again and claim that you had gotten pregnant (when in fact either you were all ready knocked up by one of your "johns" or you were planning on wearing a fake baby bump until he got you pregnant . But kwts not forget that in order for him to have not even used a condom which he should have clearly done . You lied and claimed that you had been having a problem with even  getting  pregnant and that there was no way that you could even conceive in an attempt to get him to lay with you with you unprotected knowing dsmn well that your ass was lying and that you had done spell work on him binding him to you after the first sexual encounter  he just thought he was attracted to you not knowing that there was nothing attractive in you because you were a dark practicing witch sent to intentionally  break up his relationship  so that you could have him pay your way through life   

The truth is you don't even want that man you just didn't like That he was my man and so you and your other witch sisters came up with a feeble plan to sleep with the men of Judah who you knew would believe your lies and try and turn you into a life partner or a housewife  and we already know that you can't turn no ___into a housewife . Yet here we are and your still taking our you envy on people children and killing fetuses and pets all because you are not fut to be walking free on any society due to your viscous nature and your uncontrollable anger towards anyone or anything you feel has something better than you  going  on  in their lives  

. like me for instance you had a one night stand or an online fling thing going on with my man then you started becoming obsessed  with me because you could see that even  though I may be more mature in age than you I am still in an extremely high energy level and able to keep my man pleased without the use of anything but my pure love and self confidence  In my ability to make him relax and enjoy the moment that two people have when they are in love .  You had been stalking our union long before you ever got the nerve to interfere in our divine union infect you went in telling him lies about you being a better choice than me because you knew that you weren't but you had been doing spell work stealing my energy and making it appear as your own , that way he would not be able to tell that everything you said or did was in fact fake   fake sex , fake orgssm fake healing skills cuz you are a witch and witches ain't really shit because if they were all they wouldn't need to do spell work cuz the universe and the most high would provide whatever it was that you need, like they have for me and continue to do so because I come in honesty and don't use my gifts to take advantage of anyone.  

You see when you get a gift from God HE will watch you to see what you do with that gift he'll even let you think that you've got power just to then have you put on blast when it all turns sour and you begin to lose all of the things that you have made idols and have coveted from someone else who had earned it ,like you tried time after time when you were trying to make yourself a partner to a man who clearly didn't need a new one  because his partner had more genuine compassion success and brilliance than you could possibly imagine as and if you were not so damn obsessed with trying to cause damage to her due to all of the things you saw that she had that you wanted , you might have been able to learn how to get the type of life that you felt you could just bully her to hand over to you or blackmail her man into providing by threatening to  tell me  that you two  were having sex already even before you faked that you needed him to protect you from me . when it was you the entire time who had been stalking stealing and doing the most behind the scenes just to make it look like you were worthy of his attention and guess what ? You weren't  ! then and after all this shit show that you've caused you will never be worthy of anything more than a prison cell!  I just hope that for once you  will just admit that you might be able to suck  _____for a buck but you can't be that good at it if you are constantly broke and feel the need to bully and  steal my money from me  but refuse to want to learn how a real woman can make a difference in others lives simply by using her God given gifts in a manner that never includes preforming any kind of sexual act , and actually get paid well!  because once you reach that low level of doing things the way that you have been the  devil is already your master and the only thing you can look forward to is sentencing and hopefully someone putting a couple of dollars on your J-Pay account so you can buy some stamps or a snack out of the vending  machine .

But  like I was saying there is NO way that you will be trading any destiny's with anyone because there is an entire galactic  Universe that you have completely annoyed with you insane illegal abusive behavior and they are taking actions to make sure you don't have access to anything or anyone ever again  - this is what happens when one abuses gifts and intentionally causes harm to people who are doing good and helping others rather than intentionally hurting  them -  if you don't learn another thing learn that you should have stopped before you even touched my man but since you did you will face a serious judgement if not a judgement and an order to repay all that you have swindled from others when you should have told the truth that you were not worthy of his time and you were just lost in your envy of his wife  who's social media presence got you feeling some kind of way . #jealous #envious  #greedy  and she's 62 ! yet you were so weak that you hired a hitman to take her life because you finally realized that you could never compete because you couldn't be ccompared  to her  as she was  something so opposite of all the darkness that you carry in your dark joyless body.   I was an example of light and called on God for  guidance after you committed adultry with my man and then told lies and were even willing to kill just to cover it up and try and win  at all costs ..and you  #stillLost

note this female is a criminal  - and I am demanding that she be removed from society as she actually lacks the compatency to make clear and safe every day rational decisions choosing instead to kill someone simply because she was mad at the way others loved them more than they loved her  etc.  Enough already do not wait until she starts an actual  civil war

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Can't serve 2 masters

 These wicked evil coven @itches  really think that they can swap destines with the 144 thousand  just as we have finally been able to get o...

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