False claims lead to hostile living environment

 So there are some who have been telling lies and making false claims in am attempt to try and get me caught up in the system . Case in point making a complaint that did something to them then lying to law enforcement in the report claiming that I didn't live here and was visiting my daughter ? Yeah and you knew damn well that I lived here because I hand delivered an award letter to you when you first started here with the same address you claimed in the report but as if this was not enough she then lied and claimed that I lived on MLK somewhere when she knew damn well that I live in the same place on her false report . Doing all of this to obstruct justice so that I wouldn't be Able to respond the court and would hopefully lose by default after never receiving the notice ,but his did the first notice arrive but the second notice had a completely different address that I did not change .  

Also note that this incident took place in 2023 then about a few weeks later there was a floo d on the property )that if my daughter had not heard the dripping would probably have taken lives as the floor directly above where I reside started to fall And would have pancaked on top of our floor (we even recorded it on video and her own cleaning crew supervisor stated that the flood was questionable at best and that it looked like it was intentional)  However I believe that there is some type of insurance fraud occuring as this property has still not been restored back to the state it was in prior to "the flooding" and it's will almost be a year coming up that we have had to live in a substandard damp/mold embedded  building and apartment that you can clearly see is in need of some serious TLC because it is in horrible condition and yet there are tenderly low income women and men expected to just overlook the amount of damage that was caused as a result of these "stunts " meant to cause mental and emotional stress duress and damage ,as it is a known fact that the quality of ones living environment can actually cause ones quality of life to slip as well as add to an earlier death ,which is I believe this  was intentionally meant to do . Ok prior to all of the last effort to sow discord they had been doing noise campaigns. Banging on the walls from the apt directly above us . Also there was a few members of a witch -coven being allowed to Come do black magic  spell work to, I guess Also tear down my high energy level (just as a property that is kept in a poor living environment will do )which allows their witchcraft to take affect better . Hhhhh And I am positive that this has been    their goal all along because They want my devine destiny and the finances attached -thinking that they can bully me out Of it , but that didn't work . So then they tried to have me arrested so that I would not be able to defend my good name . that came when the halls it flooded  And our apartment which is still in a substandard living  condition considering that it's coming up on a year now that it's been plagued with the smell of  mold . And insects etc   and has construction dust and paper and tape over windows ,steps and the fire alarms. Not to forget that they are actively hacking into our Internet and our emails and cell phone communication, which to me demonstrate their complete lack of knowledge if Federal Fair housing rules when it comes to invasions of a tenants rights to privacy and invasions of these privacies that should be protected . Just saying . Something must be done to secure that a tenant is not abused by the same staff that has a duty of care to help the tenants instead of intentionally hurting them .

And I look forward to being able to afford to relocate to a more stable and welcoming living environment where I can rest and know that I am not illegally being recorded by those who have been allowed to come and gain access to the apartment directly above where I am supposed to be able to have privacy and rest and heal .  This is what I am praying to the most high God to deliver to me and may he also see that those who are responsible for the abusive actions towards the tenants be made to deliver an acceptable  remedy  to those who are still suffering . 

Thank you in advance MH for always protecting me my family and the other elderly low-income and disabled tenants here in this community may we all feel the love that only you can deliver .  Amen 🙏

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