Financial hardship retaliation

 This is part of what is now known as a portion of a somewhat new section in the Domestic Violence offenses ,however it is also an area of abuse that a  control freaks ,  or an envious ex ,or ex's of an ex 🤬 now use  take control of another person and then  try and  intentionally cause a financial hardship to a person sometimes this even happens when there is a person whom  these financial manipulating ,hardship initiating jackasses target's  , and because they have failed at causing the targeted person to suffer from other losses like stability, love or success so the only thing left is to come to where the target lives and implant them selves in to the staff posing as a maintenance worker or other staff and towing cars ,which is a form of retaliation due to the actual stalking that the target had reported that those. Involved in the harassment had been doing . Not to mention that they are being paid to report and tow cars for what ? Kickbacks ? Because this is clearly an area where the wrong angry or abusive ,even a manipulating racist type of predator could Easily use this as a way of bullying ,harming ,Financially exploiting or just out right intentionally  stalking harassing and sexually exploiting an innocent person And there is even a pattern of practices here as they did this 3 yrs ago and I just mentioned it as I was talking in what should have been the privacy of my own bedroom but was in fact being illegally recorded by the same group of conspirators who were already involved in the  illegal aggressive harassment ,attempt to embezzle my trust fund and other assets  and more over 3years ago ,yet have now come to work here ? what !! 😲 Also the same pattern which is them being triggered by a post right here on my blog "stay at home moms changing lives" ? Using this lame excuse in the past ,but my blog is something that they themselves would have to  actually be looking searching or stalking me online   in a search engine ..... To find . So if anyone claims that they were  triggered by my postings then they were triggered by what ? The truth being displayed right before their eyes ? And another thing ,when people claim that they were triggered that means that whatever triggered them hit close to home or is something that reins in truth right ? So to claim to be triggered is not an excuse for committing an act of Aggression towards someone else , in fact it's more of an admitting that a lightbulb came on . right ? Because when the truth is right before your eyes it can make you feel done kinda way .... Guilt ,more than likely and if guilt is the reason that you Act out then you have yet to master the art of selfcontrol over your own emotions and I would suggest that you go get some counseling to find out why you use Abuse and manipulate others simply because they're doing in their own life what you yourself wish that you could be doing ,but instead of just admitting it,you instead chose to spread false rumors , tell others lies about the person who you were envious of and then decided to take out your own Aggressions against that person because you are immature and incapable of being true to not just yourself but others as well . 

I have also been more aggressively targeted after posting on my blog something that these people either  don't Agree with ? Or that it was so damn spot on factual that they knew it was only a matter of time before that knock on the door would come , and that had them feeling a certain kinda way .... Scared 😳 

 Who knows what drives a person to feel that they can get away with bullying someone financially and not have that bad energy be returned right back to you X 10 ,and any other bad ju-ju that was  meant to negatively effect me my family or my close loved one  may it be returned right back to you as well and next time you think that you can just make another person's life harder than it has to be, simply  because of you being all up in your feelings of envy hate and jealousy  , do us a favor and stop before you find yourself in the same position that you meant for me and My  immediate family to be in ,because  just like those that are about to get exactly what they deserve, you could just be their next target 🎯

Stop messing with our mail 

Stop messing with my Internet and our car  ! These are all forms of retaliatory harassment !   And they are Actually ON to each And every one of you ! Keep thinking that I'm playing ... And find out real quick that I'm not ! 

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