When the lies told become her obsession (just to keep what you stole )

 Imagine Being so obsessed with what I have going on , that you lose yourself in the lies that you've told (and believe me , there have been many) You've been intercepting messages to keep your -pathetic fake image of being the best choice for a better partner than myself (the ex partner who you're laughing at vua your hidden surveillance camera in her bedroom and bathroom - you have paid others to join in on your competition for my position , yet I was the only one who didn't know what you were plotting -and for the record competition is usually 2 people who have agreed to do so , it's not 1 person having an advance over the other and then hiring others to also manipulate the persons  narrative and switch it up with your own negative life in hopes of later being able to claim that you were in a competition with her because sweetie last time I checked what you were doing was cheating  which is when one side who is not capable on competing with the other ,does things to make things go in their favor IE  tells others fake stories so she can gain sympathy or  claims to be a better investment than the other choice when in fact you had been stalking the other choice,in this case that would be me who was stalked and you along  with multiple others  who have done the stalking ,but wait,that's not all ,you hacked tracked mocked and cock blocked me as well in an attempt to be the only  choice - kinda like that Olympic skater Tanya Harding .    

Anyhow  yeah I know you don't want to hear it anymore but yet you have no problem spreading the false information as if it were facts knowing damn well that if you were in fact telling the truth to the matter then there would be no need to intentionally block me from being able to see ,read and respond to it ,just like your team of trolls do . And the reason you block me from being able to see the slandering and maliciously worded posts about me is because 1 You know you are flat out lying 2 You also know that I have NO problem with telling the truth 3 The worse thing that a habitual liar hates more is a good person who is able to tell the truth and expose the liar 4 and in this case  the Liar is YOU . And so now you've managed to make quite a life based off of telling lies about me so that you could publicly impersonate and live off of me . hummm kinda like having your identity ,your heritage ,culture ,your history completely rewritten to fit the life of someone who wasn't even meant to have it . And while I walked around for over 61 years carrying a burden that wasn't even mine to carry  no one was willing to trade me for the soft plush lives that they were living . It was only AFTER affirming that I was going to finally get to live the life that the most High meant  for me to live ,one where I was going to finally be able to put down the heavy burden that I had been given to carry for over 61years and the whole time others watched and blocked me from being able  to get any help  with removing but now you want to bully me out of the fruits of my hard labor thinking that all you have to do  is hook up with my man and then tear me down to him and to others and then just simply walk away with my bag and my pension and my respect as if it were in fact you who had carried the load with me ,and to that I say this , never have I been more prepared to deliver a final judgement to a better deserving  person than yourself . may you have nothing but time to reflect on where you actually went wrong by believing that You could be successful in carrying  out such an illus deception as the ones in  this case here . I don't know if you were dropped at birth or just cocky and full of your self but I will never allow that to happen further more my Father God is backing me and HE is not about to allow that to happen so if you are still feeling brave enough to step up and try to take us both out then please do . Because I was born for times  just like the one that you claim that you have a right to claim as your own life and 1 I never lose a fight that someone else has started  2I come out swinging Hard ,so please don't cry and think that you'll be given any sympathy 3 I have been placed here on this earth to fix the world of those who have made a living off of telling people lies and I promise that you will not be able to get a victory this Go round . 4 if you think that I am playing when I say Your time is up -  F#ck around cuz You are about to find Out ! I promise 🙏 I am recalling Every item stolen from me or my ancestors be returned returned  to me the rightful heir and the person who has been given the task of overseeing the assets left or hidden - anyone else who is trying to steal kill or destroy anything associated with me will be dealt with in the  Galactic world by those who are involved in seeing that I am able to claim and carryout my spiritual mission here on earth . While I have come in peace Please do not ever take my kindness for  foolishness .  As I am both competent and capable of managing , creating and building an Empire simply by believing  and knowing that I am  meant to do so by The most high God who has put me here not to be abused or falsely accused but to be a light in a dark place and to awaken us all up from  a dream that up to nt  up to now has only been a long - nightmare played  out time and time again - 

To the point where our Father felt the Need to step in and defend  and if God be for me , who dare be against me !   

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When the lies told become her obsession (just to keep what you stole )

 Imagine Being so obsessed with what I have going on , that you lose yourself in the lies that you've told (and believe me , there have ...

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