I revoke ALL Power of Attorney Claims Over my assets and all of my funds

  I  Monica Andres -  being 61 yrs old and fully competent claim what is rightfully mine Notice This is a Legal statement -Revoking any and all powers of attorney Claims Over my trust funds and any financial matters which were fraudulently issued by a court without my actually knowledge of such actions - This constitutes a breach of the trust as the legal heir I am demanding a revocation of this intrusive abusive and unauthorized criminal financial fraud  with the intent to deprive  me of what is rightfully mine . I have reason to believe that an illegal crime has already been committed and that there are some who have ill intent for the funds hoping to further  de me the legal holder of the claim which is in question ,while those committing ID theft fraud forgery and purgery are Still determined to prevent it from reaching me ! This is a Travesty and amounts to Elder financial abuse ,and embezzlement. Anyone who knowingly attempts to withdrawal funds from an account that has been setup in my name and is meant for me to have a better quality of life while also making sure that I am carrying out the mission that has been crafted for me to be a qualified steward over - I take this assignment with honor and respect and I am in complete control of my own affairs as well as the plans for growth in other areas that I have been authorized to hold and orchestrate .  Respectfully M Andres Agent and authorized  Executor of the Funds  for which I am now revoking all previous authorizations to the funds and am demanding a full itemized report of all monies and assets which up till now I have been prevented from being able to receive any notices or material assets or funds .  By ,Monica Andres ,Agent on this day 11/03/2024 in Seattle Washington USA 98144    

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