Blessed are the peacemakers

 To every single person who has been  constantly doing evil  vile wickedness against Blacks and people who confess to being followers of the Hebrew Israelite Faith  You are ALL being held in God's judgement and you are all being found GUILTY of the crime of HATE which you are not going to be able to escape! 

Since you are so desperate to try and take us all out so that you can live our lives ,you shall start with absolutely NOTHING just as we all had to start with our ancestors being slaves here on American soil and never being paid for their labor yet as Americans we  profess to being one nation under God but deny a man his right to be paid for his labor, and if you knew the Bible you'd know that you have awakened God's wrath for oppressing his children  

 You shall have to live with a burden that was not yours ,just as we have been forced to live . You shall be questioned simply because of who you are,just as we were questioned . You shall be called names that you are not and also be made to pay more for less ,like for housing and insurance 

May you live to regret your actions against us ,as your actions against us were never warranted ,yet you have aggressively and routinely been hovering over our bedrooms ,our emails our lives and even our places of worship in an attempt to gain access to information that you hoped you could use against us to get us taken out due to Your own hatred ! I rebuke every single one of you agents of the devil and I bid you farewell as you face exactly what you have coming for you ! 

Thank you most high God for your continued protection over your flock . We praise you for your continued blessings and Grace which you bestill upon us each and every day . We are forever in your presence even in the midst of being under attack.   

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God . 

Note to my haters

 In case you didn't know 
It's against the law to intentionally harras a person due to the fact that you don't like them or due to the fact that they are a different race , Ethnic makeup , follow a religion that you don't know anything about, or because you're part of a secret society of fakes acting as if you have sone kinda of Devine power over them ,because if in fact you had any power you would not have to join yourselves to all of the other racists in your klan and keep invading my/our rights to privacy or illegally recording me/us In our religious assembly which btw is a protected assembly . 
You have been doing the work of the devil and have brought the society  to an all time low , sexually exploiting those who you are trying to profit off of . It's sick the amount of effort you've been using to attempt to get an unfair advantage over someone AND you're still Not able to get your mission accomplished ! 
I know that you're scared because fear comes from the devil . 
In all of your excessive hovering and acting as if you're on official business I hope that you've learned something . 
The most high God protects His flock ! And if you're stalking mocking and blocking me , you're obviously NOT one of His flock ! 
I pray that the MHG destroys you and all of your minions like you obviously already know that He's going to do -
  All I can say is Good Bye & Good Riddance ! 
 You are the true example of a Menace to society ... Your own, Not so secret society's effort to block the plans of the most high God .  #failure #bigTime  

Malicious Harassment

 SO APPARENTLY These secret society oops don't know about Law ,or perhaps they do know because they've all tried to Avoid being locked up in exchange for coming at me for more than 5+years ,in what I'll describe as " failed attempt" to cause as much intentional harm ,pain And suffering  and trauma that any normal Female would ever be able to endure ,this is also why I'm blessed to NOT be a normal Female ,and also blessed by the Most High God to be born with gifts not common to most and talents too long to Actually list while trying to remain humble 😎

These organized vicious assaults upon my intelligence and my integrity are the doing of multiple hate centered groups ,who honestly felt that they being larger in number  (than just 1 "me") and with  an abundant  financial backing should surely  be able to wipe me off the face of the earth only now waking up to the horror of their own imaginary powers and abilities with the realization that they were all being led to their own firing squad . The same squad that they believed had thier backs are now amazed that they themselves are the intended targets in this game that we call Life . 

We must never forget the Power of God to place us exactly where we were meant to be to carry out our duties here on earth . 

My duty was to expose the powers that be for the cruel and inhumane treatment of people based on their own _______ fill in the blank . For some it could be your Race or Ethnic Pedigree,or bloodline . For others it could be because they were jealous and they lacked the ability to focus on themselves to be better so instead they decided to conspire with other  dark magic sources and try and intentionally change the positive narrative of the person who they were Insanely envious of or jealous of either way , it's still a punishable action . 

There has been nothing done to prevent or interfere with these evasive actions so I had to start reporting And recording them on my own only to be recognized as a reliable source of the truth and a key relator of the facts when it comes to reporting these crimes to Federal Law Enforcement  ,whom I strongly feel have a much better opportunity to finally put these tired sleepy cat's to rest permanently . 

If their are any other questions please feel free to reach out to me with integrity and ask for whatever it is that you are questioning Im sure that with my skills and your ability to make arrests ,you too will be greatly appreciated and shown lots of love by those who are also working to make things better rather than by just exploiting those who are reporting the truth to what has been allowed to carry on for far too long

 I'll- gotten gain is just a small portion of what you'll be able to find should you be able to actually sit back and do the work that is needed to solve this long drawn out abuse of power and intentional hostile - vexaction  a protected person's life simply because they knew that the person who they were all abusing was the only one telling the truth . And with that being said , I grant you all peace enough to know what is true and what is made out of  cloth . Have a great rest of the day /night Be Blessed but also remember to Bless others all my gifts and abilities are not my own they are given to me by TMH God  who protects me even when those who are paid seem to fail at doing so.  I forgive you now please let's close this case and turn over all of the stolen embezzled or rerouted funds that are actually meant for me so that I can fulfill the mission to lead us into this next innovative realm of life . For those with an old hate filled racists mindset ,you might want to get off the bus right about now ,because the road ahead may get a bit too turbulent for yourself soft behinds and you might find yourself needing to call on the same folks to save you that  you had previously  been openly attempting to take out .  That's called a WTF moment btw when you see the same face you had slapped now taking reservations for the only seat left on the last  bus out of wherever it is that you're not going to be able to get to . And to think .... If you had just been nice instead of being a straight up hate filled #itch , you could have avoided all of it.    😘❣️

My life is not a game and

 To whom it doesn't concern ,my life is just that. Mine . 

 I did not go through the last 62 + years to give up and let you low level cartel types just come and take it all as if you have done all the things that are required to be able to receive the life that I have worked so hard to achieve . 

But just to put truth on this matter. These people have done to me , my family my life partner and others what NO ONE is supposed to have done, and the most important aspect is it is that the entire time they were abusing me as  a vulnerable "Black female " who has some debilitating issues . But what needs to be clear is that they were abusing not just me as a female but also the fact that they were telling racially biased claims to enlist the assistance of the military the Gov agencies ,Corps and others to come against me . They placed me on a"do not pay" list due to their obvious envy jealousy and greed . This is a clear racially based hate crime that was conducted behind my back in the judicial system knowing that if I was notified that I would have proven them to be the liars that they have themselves proven to be.

They lack the core essence of humanity and have been able to be gainfully employed for several years as agents of chaos . Intentionally causing me emotional mental and physical distress not to me rion multiple unethical sexual assault in dream states ,while I was in my bed asleep or even in other private places where they were not even supposed to be able to exploit me or try and cause my to suffer pain loss and trauma ,yet it's now  2025 and these people are still trying to portray it like they were acting as legitimate agents sent to carry out an genocide campaign against me my family or any other people who they were encouraged in stalking and violating for their own enrichment e itvis money , stealing my ID and gaining attention as someone who they were not even on the same level as. They were brazen enough to try and cause me to be put under an illegal surviellance , hoping to get evidence to support the lies told about me to gain access . 

Instead what they found was some one who was not at all like the person they had defamed and attempted to place in jail or tried  to have assinated for an insurance policy payout snd to be able to then act as me and claim funds and an inheritance that they were aware was not their own . They found a woman who was a lot stronger than they had hoped but also a woman who was a lot smarter than what they were expecting . 

Now so many years later I am still optimistic about what they are going to be in store for. Because the light that is inside of me can not be eliminated by their dark evil attempts and the fact that TMH has been protecting me from their overwhelming illicit assaults insults and crimes some so hanis that they themselves were shocked that I am still optimistic and able to be the one who will bring them all to justice . 

And the best is yet to come as this has been an opportunity to get stronger and wiser and if they had problems with the other me then they've got to know that they are not going to be able to win in the attempt to  kill the  life destiny of  ano another person , especially because you violated my freedom of religion and came to bring evil devils in to my life through non stop witchcraft and spell work which was not their right to do .  

I'm a Woman Not a Girl

 May your Day and week be empowered and prosperous ! You are loved valued and Appreciated -Keep your head up stay positive and know that you're not here by accident you have been given a purpose here on this earth It is to raise up those who are lost or are asleep and to help them overcome anything that they are going through - We rise by lifting others not by trying to intimidate , devalue or steal from them always remember to replace Bad intent  with the power of Good - And know that you have gifts that you have yet to tap into - focus on what's Good and leave the competition to the lil girls -Be blessed and also remember to be a blessing to others no matter where you are you life maters and you have a calling to walk in your God given Power - Now is the time to be a light in this dark world- So Shine On 

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Blessed are the peacemakers

 To every single person who has been  constantly doing evil  vile wickedness against Blacks and people who confess to being followers of the...

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