My life is not a game and

 To whom it doesn't concern ,my life is just that. Mine . 

 I did not go through the last 62 + years to give up and let you low level cartel types just come and take it all as if you have done all the things that are required to be able to receive the life that I have worked so hard to achieve . 

But just to put truth on this matter. These people have done to me , my family my life partner and others what NO ONE is supposed to have done, and the most important aspect is it is that the entire time they were abusing me as  a vulnerable "Black female " who has some debilitating issues . But what needs to be clear is that they were abusing not just me as a female but also the fact that they were telling racially biased claims to enlist the assistance of the military the Gov agencies ,Corps and others to come against me . They placed me on a"do not pay" list due to their obvious envy jealousy and greed . This is a clear racially based hate crime that was conducted behind my back in the judicial system knowing that if I was notified that I would have proven them to be the liars that they have themselves proven to be.

They lack the core essence of humanity and have been able to be gainfully employed for several years as agents of chaos . Intentionally causing me emotional mental and physical distress not to me rion multiple unethical sexual assault in dream states ,while I was in my bed asleep or even in other private places where they were not even supposed to be able to exploit me or try and cause my to suffer pain loss and trauma ,yet it's now  2025 and these people are still trying to portray it like they were acting as legitimate agents sent to carry out an genocide campaign against me my family or any other people who they were encouraged in stalking and violating for their own enrichment e itvis money , stealing my ID and gaining attention as someone who they were not even on the same level as. They were brazen enough to try and cause me to be put under an illegal surviellance , hoping to get evidence to support the lies told about me to gain access . 

Instead what they found was some one who was not at all like the person they had defamed and attempted to place in jail or tried  to have assinated for an insurance policy payout snd to be able to then act as me and claim funds and an inheritance that they were aware was not their own . They found a woman who was a lot stronger than they had hoped but also a woman who was a lot smarter than what they were expecting . 

Now so many years later I am still optimistic about what they are going to be in store for. Because the light that is inside of me can not be eliminated by their dark evil attempts and the fact that TMH has been protecting me from their overwhelming illicit assaults insults and crimes some so hanis that they themselves were shocked that I am still optimistic and able to be the one who will bring them all to justice . 

And the best is yet to come as this has been an opportunity to get stronger and wiser and if they had problems with the other me then they've got to know that they are not going to be able to win in the attempt to  kill the  life destiny of  ano another person , especially because you violated my freedom of religion and came to bring evil devils in to my life through non stop witchcraft and spell work which was not their right to do .  

Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."