Note to my haters
In case you didn't know
It's against the law to intentionally harras a person due to the fact that you don't like them or due to the fact that they are a different race , Ethnic makeup , follow a religion that you don't know anything about, or because you're part of a secret society of fakes acting as if you have sone kinda of Devine power over them ,because if in fact you had any power you would not have to join yourselves to all of the other racists in your klan and keep invading my/our rights to privacy or illegally recording me/us In our religious assembly which btw is a protected assembly .
You have been doing the work of the devil and have brought the society to an all time low , sexually exploiting those who you are trying to profit off of . It's sick the amount of effort you've been using to attempt to get an unfair advantage over someone AND you're still Not able to get your mission accomplished !
I know that you're scared because fear comes from the devil .
In all of your excessive hovering and acting as if you're on official business I hope that you've learned something .
The most high God protects His flock ! And if you're stalking mocking and blocking me , you're obviously NOT one of His flock !
I pray that the MHG destroys you and all of your minions like you obviously already know that He's going to do -
All I can say is Good Bye & Good Riddance !
You are the true example of a Menace to society ... Your own, Not so secret society's effort to block the plans of the most high God . #failure #bigTime
IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO REMEMBER TO CALL OUT TO THE MOST HIGH GOD - ( In fact He's waiting for you to call out and ask for guidance and ...