Blessed are the peacemakers

 To every single person who has been  constantly doing evil  vile wickedness against Blacks and people who confess to being followers of the Hebrew Israelite Faith  You are ALL being held in God's judgement and you are all being found GUILTY of the crime of HATE which you are not going to be able to escape! 

Since you are so desperate to try and take us all out so that you can live our lives ,you shall start with absolutely NOTHING just as we all had to start with our ancestors being slaves here on American soil and never being paid for their labor yet as Americans we  profess to being one nation under God but deny a man his right to be paid for his labor, and if you knew the Bible you'd know that you have awakened God's wrath for oppressing his children  

 You shall have to live with a burden that was not yours ,just as we have been forced to live . You shall be questioned simply because of who you are,just as we were questioned . You shall be called names that you are not and also be made to pay more for less ,like for housing and insurance 

May you live to regret your actions against us ,as your actions against us were never warranted ,yet you have aggressively and routinely been hovering over our bedrooms ,our emails our lives and even our places of worship in an attempt to gain access to information that you hoped you could use against us to get us taken out due to Your own hatred ! I rebuke every single one of you agents of the devil and I bid you farewell as you face exactly what you have coming for you ! 

Thank you most high God for your continued protection over your flock . We praise you for your continued blessings and Grace which you bestill upon us each and every day . We are forever in your presence even in the midst of being under attack.   

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God . 

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Blessed are the peacemakers

 To every single person who has been  constantly doing evil  vile wickedness against Blacks and people who confess to being followers of the...

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