fricken ridiculous behavior towards Blacks here in Everett Washington

 So as most of you know  (especially those of you who have been making a living racially  harassing ,stalking mocking and blocking us for years ) 

These unwarranted attacks have been allowed to take place wherever we live or stay and have been paying in good faith for a place where we should have been able to be shown the same amount of damn respect as those who do not look like we do or follow our religious beliefs, however this has not been the case.  

So while they gladly accepted the money for what should have been a restful enjoyable peaceful stay they also graciously welcomed others who they knew were coming to intentuonally cause us harm . And these demons came in and aggressively interrupted our peace and our union to try and destroy us as this is what they have been collectively conspiring with others to do . 

With that being said I want you all to know that you are all about to go down .

 I have been under  illegal surveillance for several years by these greedy low life people who are so disturbed with the fact that the bible says that the wicked (which is who they have been representing) are not the ones who will be able to get to the kingdom.  So they decided to try and make our lives more difficult than it is already and they hover over where we sleep shadowing our foot steps whenever we go anywhere even to the bathroom or to bath .

 They are completely obsessed with the lives that are not even theirs but they are also obviously envious about it otherwise their complete malice would not be so damn obnoxious and out of control as it has been  

They will party all night knowing that they are bothering our ability to sleep . They turn their music up if we are in our bible study and even have the nerve to have sex acts going on that can be heard as we are praying or trying get rest . These demons are the most weak minded demonic creatures who by the way have made it their job to also prevent me from making complaints about everything that has been occurring against us , I guess thinking that they could get away with it?  if only they could shut me up from documenting the abuses.  And you already know that failed if your reading this Post . 

I am calling you out for the demons that you all are and letting everyone know that you  will be judged harshly by The lord for your actions towards his children.

 also.... Another person who follows God would never feel entitled to intentionally break the commandments and come to kill another person  simply because you are full of hatred and have a coveting heart  for those who dont know what a covering heart is ,its when you want what is not yours so bad that you lie spy and try and steal it for yourselves . In this case they have stolen my ID while intentionally isolating me and assaulting me non -stop  with government authorized energy weapons and they EVEN went as far as getting my mate to take me to the hospital a few years back where they lied and claimed they had found a tumor which needed to be removed during the surgery they placed some metal in my spine that they have all been using to connect these weapons to and cause pain suffering and daily hardships  which they have all been doing for far too long  .

 It ends tonight!  

 I am calling for your removal from my life you damn devils I rebuke you ALL to Hell for the evil intentional acts of hatred that you have been pretending not to have done while lying and laughing about all of the things that you do on a regular basis  to try and destroy the " Nigga's " And I  say to you Nope All that you did was placed a   bounty on your own families head 

So when you get arrested or taken out don't complain because The most high is not playing games with you when it comes to Me and you coming for me . 

I fear NO ONE !  

I am here for a purpose  to expose you and to be the one to ruin everything that you have planned in your attempt to cause a race war right here In Everett Washington  .Think again the Secret Service as well as other law enforcement are here to take care of it.  And I have divine protection so if I were you I'd leave it alone .But if you have a death wish  then hey that's on you . 

We are here to help others not to  hurt them and to those doing dark magic witchcraft  against us we return all that crap right back at  you,  you losers! return to sender times 100 at a rapid rate .

 No weapons formed against us or aimed at us shall ever  prosper or effect us  but they will negatively impact all of you because you are not protected from it . 

You were warned and you thought it was  a joke  now we'll be the ones with the last laugh  but its not even a laughing matter 

I  actually feel sorry for you fools  because you have no idea what's heading towards you  ,but you will in a bit . 

Wait for it !  

  I bid you a humble goodbye may you never be able to return  as you are now  ever again in your next life choose a different way of how you treat those who do not look like you because you got your own selves removed simply because you were filled with nothing but hate , which is a pathetic way to live .  

Heres a life lesson that I want to end with It takes more energy being evil than it does when you choose not to be .  And a man /woman sees in the world what they truly carry within their own heart .  if you do no like someone else (to the point where you seek revenge upon them simply for being happy while minding their own damn  business) that's not their fault its yours ,change your self not the person who your envious of ,only a simple small  minded person acts like you have been acting . 


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