Showing posts with label CURRENT NEWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CURRENT NEWS. Show all posts

REPOST": “Right to privacy” observed under the Washington Constitution Originally published >9/28/21 12:15 PM

Its a violation of Law: Common law invasion of privacy; negligent infliction of emotional distress (“NIED”); outrage; constitutional right of privacy (Wash. Const. art. 1, § 7)
Wash. Const. art. I, § 7 states: No person shall be disturbed in his private affairs, or his home invaded,

White supremacy is now on Homeland Security's list of terrorist threats September 20, 2019 repost-

Kathryn Krawczyk 

 EVIL PREVAILS WHILE  THE INNOCENT ARE UNDER ATTACK -hint: those who look like ME lack the Capital or Capabilities to carry out any threats or attacks - 

Time to take a look at those who are the real threats and time to leave those of us who are not a threat, alone . God is watching you ! 

From -The New York Times- U.S. to Accuse Google of Protecting Illegal Monopoly repost 

I know that we here at "Stay at home moms" have felt the total and complete control by Google and other Big Tech companies . They have changed our ads to feature items and things that we have deemed "unwanted on our site" . They have continually broken our links that  featured news stories especially those that expose them. In three, now four  years we have made ZERO revenue yet have brought  more than 100.000 more viewers to their site. As a blog-site that uses adsense we had a 100 dollar  threshold which in 3 years they have made sure that we'd never see any revenue and  at the rate they have us listed it will take over 10 years of blogging for free, until we  ever see 1 dollar of revenue .   When we complained they moved us to the bottom of the search. It was the same with Amazon they would not accept us as a partner yet ran their  own ads on our Blog because they could see the amount of traffic we are known to generate .  

Anti -Trust anti -competition - Oppression- Complete control of competition Collusion with others to target us and prevent us from being able to compete and survive. 

We will Continue to Expose the abuse of Power  

Arrested, then traumatized: Black people on what comes after police encounters

    MSN News 

We are being targeted terrorized and traumatized , all of our rights to privacy are being illegally invaded and exploited 24/7 even in our homes , and apartment's where there should be an expectation of privacy . 

Violations of  Fair Housing Right's -  Malicious Harassment- Domestic Terrorism- Stalking -Invasion of Privacy- intrusion upon Seclusion and during this Pandemic amounts to false imprisonment without due Process . Egregious !!   

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Can't serve 2 masters

 These wicked evil coven @itches  really think that they can swap destines with the 144 thousand  just as we have finally been able to get o...

Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."