Showing posts with label Tell Your story to the Whole World -They'll Listen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tell Your story to the Whole World -They'll Listen. Show all posts


As most of you who frequent my "Stay at home mom's " blogger site know I have been the target of harassment , stalking , internet intrusion , cell and email interruption theft of files and sharing them without my consent . I have had my medical benefits  ceased and almost became homeless due to an illegal interference of my personal disability information that was shared and then my benefits began to get attacked my Medicare number was found to have been illegally shared with an -illegal alien and used by this female to gain access to care in Texas (? )   I have  suffered an enormous amount of stress,  physical, mental, emotional ,financial , spiritual .pain, duress and loss and even had my personal relationship dismantled by those hell-bent on destroying me after feeling that my work as a independent -investigative-journalist made them feel a certain kind of way , I'm not sure if it was my style of writing or perhaps my subject- matter , as I usually cover abuses of power , racially motivated aggressions towards certain groups of people or the fact that I as a journalist was not being allowed to do my job , while other major publishers like Bloomberg, NY times , Google etc went un-bothered with the same type of publications and in some instances I had simply shared the links yet I was the one targeted and made to look as if I was a radical - decedent- My thought was that I was in fact being singled out due to my status as an independent- female- journalist -who happened to be "African-American " as I had began to notice that I was in fact drawing an uncomfortable amount of attention on my blogger site and across my other social media platforms . Then I began to investigate the Anti-trust  laws and this is what I found  (sharing -this info from > problem-with-antitrust-laws.htm -

During the 19th century, the robber barons were dominating the American economy. A handful of people had more wealth and power than the entire nation. It is for this reason that they would collude with each other to keep everyone else at bay. These robber barons were depriving everybody else of fair opportunity as a result of this collusion. To prevent this from happening, the antitrust laws were created. The laws were relevant about 150 years ago. However, today these laws hamper the working of free enterprises. In this article, we will understand the major problems with these laws:  Government Collusion and Corruption

Any behavior which can be considered to be predatory and monopolistic is temporary at best. For instance, a company can only engage in predatory pricing for a limited amount of time. Sooner or later, they will run out of money, and the free market will ensure that the competition emerges again. Also, since the monopoly would have bled money for a long time, it would be considerably weaker. It is impossible for corporations to create entry barriers on their own.
It is only with the power of law that special regulations can be passed. These special regulations are the ones that rule out the competition. Also, it needs to be noted that the big organizations do not need to do any work. The government keeps the competition at bay on their behalf. This is a system based on cronyism and favoritism. Hence, it inevitably boils down to a complex web of collusion and corruption which sacrifice consumer interests for personal profits.


Opt-Ed - Organized Stalking /Gang Mobbing aimed at me Because I am a "Black" Elderly and Disabled Independent Journalist - Shame on You-Damn Fools !!!

 I am a Vulnerable - Innocent  Target  of  a Malicious  Organized-Gang-Stalking  attack due to my  Journalistic style of reporting and speaking out against Hate and Criminal- abuses of Power aimed at those who lack the ability to prevent these attacks due to institutionally-  inflicted-  racial and disability based barriers that keep us locked in poverty and   prevent us from being able to  prevent these intentional-targeted attacks of the  Vulnerable disabled- community of mostly Brown- woolly- haired people like me. I am seeking to expose those who hover over me while I sleep in my bed (where I should be able to expect privacy) These perverts watch me and my Man in bed as if they are watching and recording a porn movie.  They also invade my privacy  in my bathroom and watch me undress bath, dress, urinate and have a bowel movement and then these cowards  aim  laser and microwave energy  weapons intentionally  meant to destroy my body and my health and intended  to silence my God -Given right to Speak the truth  and Live a life meant for me to Flourish and Grow in an environment free from Hate, Vicious Malicious- Harassment- Stalking illegal wire-tapping and  sexual exploitation.  Please stand with me -As I fearlessly pursue those who intentionally - Violate and Trespass against me . These cowards also have access to my cell phone and they also have access to all of my internet communications They have broken into my mail and have also  intentionally interfered with any attempt  that I have made to move away from the abuse .You see in truth they believe that its alright to do what -ever they want  to do to harm violate and disrespect me because They are all  Predators and  that's how a racially -motivated-hate-filled Predator acts .  They even  surround me when I go out in public and drive in tandem  on the freeway and the back roads to Maliciously and intentionally attack my with their  laser and microwave energy weapons These domestic terrorists are the scum of the Earth, They drive their loud cars outside  of wherever I happen to be and  even have these ignorant street - buffoons' who assist their efforts to abuse me  by yelling at all times of the day and night in an intentional  attempt to disturb my Peace ,My  Sleep ,My sense of security and my overall Physical and Mental Health .  They hide behind walls and when I see them in the lobby or public they turn their backs or try to hide their faces (like cowardly Dogs )    They have intentionally  Interfered in and  violated my fair-housing rights to  enjoy  where I stay by coming to where I live and setting up illegal  wire-taps and Illegal surveillance to Intentionally violate and  racially -profile me in the dwelling where I pay rent . The  management  where I currently live has obviously informed many of  the other tenants to also partake in the Racially -Motivated  acts of  abuse because they  seem to know exactly who I am yet I don't know any of them, then  they all automatically fall in -line as if they have been coached in how to respond, surround and attack me  when ever  they see me. This is a well-organized Mobbing /Stalking campaign or perhaps  it's another  Government led ill-fated  "Coin-Tell-Pro"  Attempt to  intentionally -falsely label me as a "Black " Leader to justify all of  their- intentional  abuse    (like they did  in the 70's when they went after and killed Fred Hampton ) - directed at me simply for being "A Black-- Disabled Woman " 

By Monica A - 

Victim and Survivor of  numerous Violations against Women/ Violations against -The Aged Blind And Disabled /Violations Against An Independent  Journalist-And Multiple Hate Crimes that are well documented yet  up to now have gone unprosecuted - 

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Truly  Thankful for the support of those I the Community who have sent out positive  uplifting vibes and to my spirit team my behind the sce...

Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

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