Standing Out!

All the people in the world are like eggs.  We have an outer surface, some hard, some fragile some cracked some bedazzled.   We come in small, medium and large sometimes x-large plus.  We have a yoke within, it can sometimes be seen on the outside especially after we have been broken that is us. 

We can be alone or in a dozen, among our friends or relatives, including our cousins.  The one thing we can do is give a shout, representing that one that "stands out"!  

Have you ever thought about an egg and how very valuable it really is?  It can become a life if it is incubated.  It can feed a life if it is ovenated (new word for new bird).  It can be used to scorn someone.  It can be used when boiled to have some fun.  It is used in hair and as a facial cleanser, a hang over cure mixed in a blender.  The egg can be very fragile when handled.  It is hard and solid once boiled, like a candle no heat to spoil.  Most eggs are like people, can be cracked if used, so we must pick and choose.  To know who we are and what we are to be is an answer on if we stand out and believe.  We all are unique!

YBe anything other than 1's self?

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Everyone in life has a road to travel and it does not matter the length of time or the distance of travel.  We have heard the word destiny so many times in our lives that we really don't think about it or talk about it let alone act on it.  We go through life with this notion that all things centered around us is what it is, what it will be, not realizing that we have a tremendous responsibility to live a life that was dealt us.  
Many times we, particularly women find ourselves at a crossroad and find that we just want to stop, not necessary to survey where we are or where we are going, but just to out right give up.  We find we are tired of the road trip, especially after we pass a particular age of existing.  As we take part in the game called life where we have served a purpose (so we think) we have a dire need to just stop and let go, right in the middle of the road!  
I'm here to tell you that you must "keep going" because at the end of the road is the ultimate reward!  That joy of realizing all the things you saw along the road,things you did rolling down the road, people you met traveling the road were all a part of your destiny, that hidden power within.  
The mysticism of that powerful hidden truth of that hidden power is to know that you can't change everything but you can surly help make things better for yourself and others, by realizing that you are part of this scheme and must serve your purpose and be served the truth in what you are to yourself and to the world.  "Keep Going" and don't stop until that stop sign has come, for your destiny has been written and you must accept the beauty of your very own existences.
YBe anything other than 1's self?  

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