Newspaper goes undercover to show realtors' discrimination against black homebuyers tnyKQLfJc5U

UnderCover Agents  -

What If?

We know that there are many things going on in our country that keeps us on our toes, like fires in California, the tainted water in Michigan, rumors of war and war on drugs among many other topics spoken at the table in many homes.  There is a new topic confronting us at this time and that is the airstrike US did to Iran, killing their top general.  This leaves a question do they really mean what they said on attacking US or it's troops or people?  What if that is the case within our country one day would you be prepared to survive and would you be able to defend and protect your love ones.  Below is a website for more info. on what you should be prepared in having just in case of an emergency of any kind.

Stay at home moms, would you have the right amounts of food put up for your family if a war breaks out?  What if a bomb destroy your local grocery stores in your area, what would you do?  How would you get water or would you have water put up and how much did you store?  

What if you need medical care, and you were unable to see your doctor or make it to a hospital because roads were destroyed?  Would you have the necessities of medical supplies at your disposal.  Things like bandages, alcohol, scissors and other items.  (Below is a website for more info on what you should have in your medical emergency kit. 

What if you need paperwork to prove who you are, would you have all of those documents in a safe place to retrieve in a moments time.  Are they in a container or safe of some sort so that they are not damaged if water, fire or maybe even a bomb cannot destroy them? 

We all certainly hope not and certainly do not even envision our country going through what other countries have suffered pertaining to war.  We also know that mother nature can also strike anywhere at anytime so it is a good idea to think about preparing your family for an emergency one day.  Always keep in mind it is always better to try and prepare for an emergency than to think that it can never happen.  Do your homework and gather what you might need for such a time if at all.  We definitely hope that we will never have to be tested on if we prepared or not.

YBe anything other than 1's self? 

Between The Patient and the Dr.

Image result for stop judging the disabled

Bathing in Cannabis with CBD Bath Bombs! Great for Fibromyalgia and Improving Sleep

Bathing in Cannabis with CBD Bath Bombs! Great for Fibromyalgia and Improving Sleep: The most common symptoms of fibromyalgia include chronic muscle pain, trigger points (tender points), and chronic fatigue, as well as headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and digestive problems. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this painful condition so far, but there are effective ways to relieve its signs and symptoms.  Apparently, fibromyalgia sufferers can benefit a lot from […]

Living with chronic pain - as a Blogger

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Enjoying the Ride

I care!

I Care!

I am reaching my hand out to you because I care.
I am telling you that the sun it's shining on you because I care.
I speak to you with the voice of the wind, because I care.
I extend my love to you because I care.  

Grab my hand and we can discover what peace is.
Take my very energy and blend it with yours to be one with each other.
Shout out to the world that we are here at this moment sharing that light!
We are the very beauty of the world in due time!

I'm listening to you from all my soul because I care.
I am touching the sparks you send my way because I care.
I'm stretching my being to you from within because I care.
I humble myself to you because I care.

There is no one like you in this time and space.
We melt the emotion that has ruin the moment and secured the past.
We give thanks to the vision of the future long awaited.
We cry to the sea for relief of the storm.
We are the living that has not fail.

I Care about you as you are about me.  Now we must pass it on!

YBe anything other than 1's self?

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Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."