Arrested, then traumatized: Black people on what comes after police encounters

    MSN News 

We are being targeted terrorized and traumatized , all of our rights to privacy are being illegally invaded and exploited 24/7 even in our homes , and apartment's where there should be an expectation of privacy . 

Violations of  Fair Housing Right's -  Malicious Harassment- Domestic Terrorism- Stalking -Invasion of Privacy- intrusion upon Seclusion and during this Pandemic amounts to false imprisonment without due Process . Egregious !!   

New housing rule protects most vulnerable women from sexual harassment in their home

New housing rule protects most vulnerable women from sexual harassment in their home:

Hostile Environment Harassment includes subjecting a person to unwelcome conduct that is sufficiently severe or pervasive such that it interferes with or deprives the person the right to use and enjoy their home. For example, HUD charged Wisconsin landlords. Race- and national origin-based harassment is also covered, including, for example, neighbors who create a hostile environment for an African-American family or a targeted (disabled member ) of the household- that live in the neighborhood.

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Federally Protected against harassment- discrimination   under ADA.

 Watching a disabled Woman in her home or private bedroom or bathroom is Sexual harassment. Malicious Harassment,  Stalking &Voyeurism    Using  illicit- devices to invade her private space & make her health worse because she complained about the  continued abuse, amounts to  Retaliation & Domestic Terrorism .

A threat to confront: far-right extremists and nuclear terrorism - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

A threat to confront: far-right extremists and nuclear terrorism - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: The far-right extremist nuclear terrorism threat is amplified today by an ideology focused on accelerating the collapse of society and a documented interest in pursuing nuclear terrorism. Officials need to act decisively to better understand and mitigate this threat.

Black doctor dies of COVID after racist treatment complaints

This is not an Isolated event -  First of all I am considered "Disabled " I had a similar experience here where I live .I had  gone to the hospital due to severe pain and other symptoms ,while I was there I experienced hostile- racially motivated mis-treatment from certain member's of  the nursing staff so I complained,  they then made a false statement  to my insurance provider  saying that my stay was "not medically necessary" Even though the MRI and CAT scan showed a  tumor on my spine that needed to be immediately removed. This was all done with Malice to intentionally inflict  a financial hardship on me  and to intentionally cause me more pain and suffering for speaking up

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Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."