
House Financial Services Committee Sets Hearing on Debt Collection Legislation

DOJ watchdog: Former FBI official illegally leaked court docs, disclosed 'sensitive' information and took gift from media

The IG, flagging what it called an apparent "cultural" problem at the bureau, said at the time it would announce the conclusion of multiple separate "investigations" into the matter at a later date. The Wednesday report appeared to be the opening salvo in those reports. A distinct, comprehensive IG report covering a variety of additional matters, including potential FBI surveillance abuses, is expected in a matter of weeks.
                                                                        Did you ask yourself, 
      "What Good Shall I Do This Day?"

As the day comes to an end, you getting ready to get some rest my friend, did you ask yourself,
                    What good did I do to make another soul happy?
                    That would make you feel good not crabby.
Now that you are in your pj's after taking a bath, was the answer like you made them laugh?
As the day becomes late in the night, you climb in bed, turn out the lights, did you ask yourself,
                    What good did I do to help someone?
                    Did you brighten their day and show them some fun?

As the day continues into the wee hours, you fall off to sleep most certainly empowered, did you ask yourself,
                   What good did I do to ease another's pain?
                   Listen to their problems and told them they were sane?

 As the day becomes anew, you rise now exactly what will you do, did you ask yourself,
                   What Good Shall I Do This Day?
                   Make the sunny side come your way!

"show love always"

YBe anything other than 1's self?
May 2019

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"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."