EXCELLENCE - Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation

BELIEVE - Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation - Listen Every Da...

When you start making changes in your own life you'll be able to take your eye's off of other's and you your self will begin to build a life for yourself that can positively impact the lives of others - Motivation 22'

Stalking a vunerable aged.blind.or disabled person with the use of pulsed force weapons in housing and in her bed !

Stalking means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to: (1) Fear for the person’s individual safety or the safety of others; or (2) Suffer substantial emotional distress. VAWA means the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, as amended (42 U.S.C. 13925 and 42 U.S.C. 14043e et seq.). Attached: Legal services and the domestic violence resources for the Metro area Form HUD-5382 Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking


White supremacy is now on Homeland Security's list of terrorist threats September 20, 2019 repost-


Kathryn Krawczyk 

 EVIL PREVAILS WHILE  THE INNOCENT ARE UNDER ATTACK -hint: those who look like ME lack the Capital or Capabilities to carry out any threats or attacks - 

Time to take a look at those who are the real threats and time to leave those of us who are not a threat, alone . God is watching you ! 

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Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."